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Is anyone else having trouble with Ticker Factory...?

Or is it just me? I can't change my ticker. My old ticker used to just show how much weight I wanted to lose, but now I can't get it to work.

I'm on a Mac G4 (older...but HEY!) I also tried my DH's PC computer and it still wouldn't work. I can only make it work if I want it to show my weight. :shock:

I ...
Read more : Is anyone else having trouble with Ticker Factory...? | Views : 339 | Replies : 4

where are my fellow returnees?

I've been wondering where some of my fellow MF returnees are?

I noticed this past month that many people have returned to MF to either reach their goal and/or take off a few returned pounds. As I'm in a similar situation, I'd love to read your success and how it's going for you.

It did take me a couple of restarts to get back here, but I'm here to reach goal this time. As you ...
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First test passed!

Tonight was the first half of my husband's two-weekend birthday party (the two couples he wanted to have over couldn't make it on the same night, so we had one dinner tonight, then will have the other one next Friday). As per his request, I cooked all sorts of yummy things that I won't list, because it would be too cruel. Part of me was worried how I would do, but the other part of ...
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Medi needs a story front

I think medifast would do well with a center, sorta like Jenny Craig. I think I'd do better with a one on one counclor plugging me along... just my thought.. :roll:
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OK - I'm Back!


Just wanted to re-introduce myself. The first time I tried Medifast I did terrific. I lost about 40 pounds. I was doing great until... well let me just give you a little bit of background. My husband and I are adopting. Everything was going ok. We had a referral for a beautiful baby girl in Russia. After waiting 8 long months we lost her. Three days before we were to get her the birthmother ...
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Going to a Party

Hi all,

I'm going to a party tonight where there will be lots of food and drink. I'm in a good mind set that I'm going to be fine. I'm starting my 10th day on MF and doing just fine with everything. I guess this will be my first "outting" and this post is to ensure my accountability.

Here's my plan: I'm going to have my lean and green right before I leave to ensure ...
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Ugh... Small setback? Possibly?

So yeah, I know I posted about my 5 pounds loss earlier in the day.

However today I had an extra serving of grilled chicken and 2 pickles along with my 5 medifast meals. So I guess it was like I had 2 lean and green meals today really. I don't know what it was but I was up for 18 hours today and was just starving.

Do you think I have screwed up big ...
Read more : Ugh... Small setback? Possibly? | Views : 383 | Replies : 5

People Magazine

I read People magazine on a weekly basis and thank them for bringing me to the Medifast program. Yes, I think the cost is expensive but if you really sit down and figure out how much money you spend on 'extra' things you are actually saving money. I have only been on the diet for four days and have already lost 3lbs, 77 to go.
Can someone tell me how to access the, the ...
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Day 4 and already...

I have lost 5 pounds in 4 days.

Not even 4 days really. I am living day 4 right now. I wasn't going to step on the scale this morning but I am sure glad I did.

Is this plausible?? Can there be something wrong with my scale?? I just can't believe I have dropped that in 4 days. My scale has always been right on the money (unfortunately.) But I still can't believe I ...
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Hi! I'm new

I just started MF yesterday. So far so good, of course it has only been 1 day but I am planning on many, many more.

Little about myself, I have been overweight (obese) for way too long, probably almost 1/2 my life and at age 40 I don't want to be like this any longer.
Read more : Hi! I'm new | Views : 320 | Replies : 5


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