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I really, really, really, really, LOVE Medifast! REALLY!

I am so happy with this program, I could do a little dance!
:yay: :bananadance: :coolnana: :yay: :bananadance: :coolnana: :yay: ...
Read more : I really, really, really, really, LOVE Medifast! REALLY! | Views : 460 | Replies : 4

The six words you yearn to hear from your S.O....

Our significant others are our best friends, so you know (okay, hope) that they're going to tell you the truth.

Today I got home from work and gave my fiancee a big hug and he said, without prompting, "I can tell you're losing weight!"

I almost started crying :oops:

Thank you to everyone who has been supportive, even though it has only been ten days ...
Read more : The six words you yearn to hear from your S.O.... | Views : 484 | Replies : 6


Hi! I'm new and starving! Please tell me medifast will help me lost weight - what have some of you lost? :|
Read more : help | Views : 312 | Replies : 8

One week update

Well. yesterday was one week for me and I lost 10 whole pounds! I cannot believe how easy this is for me. I feel like all I do is "eat". I have been hungry one time and after a dill pickle, all was well. I do wonder, though, if I will ever have a time when I don't think about food. Even on MF all I do is think about what I'm going to have ...
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Good News! And Bad News...

Well yesterday started off great! I hit the scale and found out I lost 12 pounds so far!

However, in the evening I had my first big cheat. I had a slice of stuffed crust pizza. It was only one slice so I am not going to kill myself over it... Just will have to fast a little harder the next couple of days to get over it.

What I did notice about the cheat ...
Read more : Good News! And Bad News... | Views : 316 | Replies : 2

Four Wk Progress Rpt--Warning: VERY LONG!

Hey Gang! :wave: Tuesday marked the end of my first four weeks and I wanted to share my success with you all!

I am happy to report a total loss of 17.6 lbs and 21 inches!! I dropped from 198lbs to 180.4lbs. I also lowered my BMI from 36.2 to 33.0 and I lost 3.3% body fat. ( guessed it...I love numbers!)

I started off with a ...
Read more : Four Wk Progress Rpt--Warning: VERY LONG! | Views : 427 | Replies : 11

50# Club! Yippeee!

Hey, everyone-

Just wanted to toot my horn for having passed the 50# mark today! I am officially at 50.5 pounds down, and thrilled, because this was my first big goal. In recent years I have gain and lost weight repeatedly, but it never hit the 50 mark, nudged it in the 40s, but never made it to 50. This is a very exciting day!

Thanks for all of your continued support - I never ...
Read more : 50# Club! Yippeee! | Views : 914 | Replies : 23

Day 4 and a few questions

I know that this information is probably somewhere - I just can't find it fast!

I'm on day 4 and so far so good - scale is down 4lbs - not that I was PLANNNNNING on weighing in today - just felt lighter - mostly water weight I'm sure - but whatever, it feels good.

I have a couple questions though -

1. I know we have to drink gallons of water - does hot ...
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changing habits

Good afternoon all,

Well, for the next three weeks I am in meetings all day long, and do you know what they bring to all these meetings? (caution: the following list may tempt you ;) ) donuts, cookies, muffins, fruit cups, hot chocolate, cakes, dishes of candy and nuts, bagell & cream cheese, cheeses...

Of course I am tempted, but second day into the meetings and I've ...
Read more : changing habits | Views : 614 | Replies : 5

5th day and still hungry!

Today is my 5th day on MF and I still hungry! I am eating my meals every 2 to 3 hours and drinking a ton of water. I just don't know if I'm really hungry or if my mind is playing tricks on me! Am I doing something wrong?

:?: :?: :?: ...
Read more : 5th day and still hungry! | Views : 609 | Replies : 3


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