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PCOS question

I posted an introduction in another section but thought maybe I would ask here and see if anyone can comment...
I was wondering if any ladies on Medifast have seen improvement in their PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)? If so could you share with me? I have it very bad and so want to be healthy. I am on metformin and also progesterone if I could get the weight under control, I am a ...
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:?: :idea: On the smoking cessation board I am a member of they do a daily pledge for anyone who wants to join in and tackle one day at a time.

Basically we virtually hold hands and pledge not to smoke this day. Helps people as far as accountability. Once you have pledged it's like a promise to yourself ...
Read more : Suggestion/idea? | Views : 370 | Replies : 3

Had to treat myself last night - immediate guilt

OK, I've had some pretty good success so far but I'm still a long long way from where I want to be. My first goal is still 66 lbs away and my final goal of 175 is 91 lbs away. Last night my kids, 17 and 15, had several friends over and rather than try and cook for a mob of teenagers I picked up a couple large pizzas and let them have at it. ...
Read more : Had to treat myself last night - immediate guilt | Views : 372 | Replies : 7

I'm Back!

Well I do apoligize for being MIA the last couple of weeks. I have been busy trying to get our new home together. I sure missed everyone. I did fall off the wagon a bit... But I am right back on the saddle. I was fortunate not to have weight gain- but I sure haven't lost a single pound either.

Here is a little advice: TRY YOUR BEST NOT TO CHEAT. Seriously, its not even ...
Read more : I'm Back! | Views : 214 | Replies : 3

15 pounds gone!

I am two days away from my one month on medifast.. and I have lost 15 pounds!!! Woo hoo!!!

Since I am a shorty.. this is really exciting for me!.

So my goal for the next month is 10 more pounds!
Read more : 15 pounds gone! | Views : 368 | Replies : 8

What is it today

I don't know what it is today but for some reason I want to eat "bad" foods. I am craving fried food big time. I even had some errands to run that I am having my daughter do because I am afraid to drive past the fast food restraunts. Pretty pitiful huh? It is not hunger and I know that and I know that I am making my hubby his favorite for dinner (country fried ...
Read more : What is it today | Views : 250 | Replies : 4

What I planning need feedback please

Hello MF Family:

I started MF February 7, 2006. I have not weighed myself but I can definately notice a difference in my clothes already. So I am very happy :D .

However, I am going to need your feedback. My husband and I are off to Maui the 23rd of this month for a week. I want to stick to plan as much as possible. ...
Read more : What I planning need feedback please | Views : 393 | Replies : 6

You are NOT what you weigh

I just felt compelled to share this.

Society makes over weight people out to be lazy failures. Many of us have bought into that lie. Folks, we need to assess the reasons we are losing our weight. If we don't have the right reasons and motivations, we are almost certain to fail.

Don't lose weight because you think others will finally accept you (co-workers, peers, spouse, family, etc). Don't lose weight because you think you ...
Read more : You are NOT what you weigh | Views : 291 | Replies : 8

Best diet ever!

Hello friends,
I have to share my exciting news. I have been on this diet for 5 days and have lost 16.8 lbs. Must be alot of water weight, but I am feeling a little lighter either way. I know the next week will slow down. I have finally found the diet to save my life!!

Happy Medifasting!!
Read more : Best diet ever! | Views : 594 | Replies : 7

20 pounds for me!!!

Woo Hoo! I am on day 27 and I have lost 20 whole pounds! I am LOVING this! :)
Read more : 20 pounds for me!!! | Views : 423 | Replies : 9


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