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Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)

Oh no.... Where did my food go?????

Have you ever cooked your lean and green and ate it before it got to the plate???

I seem to have trouble with that lately :table: I am forever tasting my food to ensure that the flavor is jussssst right... :bib: By the time i'm done cooking....nothing is left to put on my plate, LOL ...
Read more : Oh no.... Where did my food go????? | Views : 400 | Replies : 1

Inch Losses Please

those of you inside the first 5 weeks, please share your waist or other inch loss success. Especially other men like me. I will feel more successful when the inches start moving vs tracking lbs. Thanks.

Mark (now in week 2)
Read more : Inch Losses Please | Views : 358 | Replies : 9

Day 7

Today is the start of day 7 and I have lost 6.2 pounds so far. I'm happy with it. I had been working out hard since January and have joined a body challenge at the fitness I had to workout! I only did 3 days verses the 5 or 6 that I would usually do. Anway thanks for the support from here!
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I am wondering how Medifast is prepared. I have been on liquid diets before. One offered ready made shakes which tasted quite good and one offered packages that you mixed with water which didn't taste good. In what form are the Medifast shakes available?
Read more : Medifast | Views : 346 | Replies : 6

have a great week!

Tomorrow morning, 6am, our family departs for SUNNY ORLANDO!!!! :yay: We'll be gone for a week.

Don't worry, Jon and I have our RTD's, Bars, Suppliments, Water Bottles and cold packs all ready! I have a carry on designated for Medifast products only!! :roflmao:

This has been a GREAT week for me...after a few pretty slow weeks, I dropped ...
Read more : have a great week! | Views : 297 | Replies : 6

My first week

It's official - 1 week! I lost 6.5 pounds. Not bad considering there was no exercise. That's been a hard one for me to wrap my mind around. I don't want to do too much too soon. Don't want to slow the weight loss. I may have to go for a walk today though. It's so beautiful out! It's going to be 85 degrees! I did do quite a bit of housework on Day 4, ...
Read more : My first week | Views : 250 | Replies : 1

Good Saturday Morning!

Hi gang! :wave:
One week till the wedding!! :heart:
OMG, time is flying by.
I hope everyone is being good Medifasters and having great successes!

I apologize for not posting and supporting everyone this past week, but I'm sure you understand with the wedding stuff, working FT, etc. I am just crazy right now. Not to forget I have ...
Read more : Good Saturday Morning! | Views : 394 | Replies : 3

Woke up late (sick) - Eat all MF meals anyway?

Hey y'all!

Ok, I think I have seen this answered before but I cannot remember the answer.

If you woke up late (11:30 AM), and so far you have squeezed in 4 MF meals, should you eat the extra 2 before bed?

My day so far:
12 PM - oatmeal
3 PM - bar
6 PM - oatmeal
8:15 PM - hot cocoa

I am battling the evil flu, on day 2 here in the ...
Read more : Woke up late (sick) - Eat all MF meals anyway? | Views : 408 | Replies : 4

Magical Mini-Goal!

:whoohoo::whoohoo: I'm jumping for joy! :goofyjump:

I reached a "magic" milestone this morning---my 25 pound mini-goal! That doesn't sound like much compared to all the great losses of many of you-- 30's, 40's, even 80's and above!

And I rejoice with each one of you. Your success drives my motivation to strive for the higher goals---gotta get to the 30 Pound Goal next!

It is within reach...thanks ...
Read more : Magical Mini-Goal! | Views : 440 | Replies : 9

What was everyones Starting weight and start date and goal ?

I need motivation. so i just thought id start a topic on this.

what is everyones start weight,start date,goal weight and height.
also what was the least you ever weighed and the most?
and how much have you lost so far?

Thanks for your input! :)
Read more : What was everyones Starting weight and start date and goal ? | Views : 1060 | Replies : 16


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