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Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)

Passed the test

Well, tonight was my neice's band receital. Went with my huband, two girls, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and other niece and nephew. Afterwards, my husband, who is doing MF with me, suggest we all go to Pizzaria Uno for coffee and dessert. I thought I would kill him.

So we get there and I brought in our bars and my Splenda. Everyone's ordering these giant sundaes or cheesecake. And....I was fine. I had a couple cups of ...
Read more : Passed the test | Views : 283 | Replies : 6

Shake Question

I wasn't sure where to post this.......I want to be able to workout a little more than I do. Is it wise of me to order the Medifast 70 shakes instead of the Medifast 55 shakes? Also is the taste a lot different? Thanks in advance!
Read more : Shake Question | Views : 301 | Replies : 3


Hi everyone. Im Sheila. Ive been on MF for a little over a month now. I had been doing so well, and then yesterday something happened that really upset me. I thought my husband was going to start the program with me, but instead, he is chosing to lose the weight his own way, which I am not too thrilled with, because it could hurt him. Not only that, but he went about sterting"his way" ...
Read more : stress | Views : 427 | Replies : 6

Just had to post it!

I've got a performance tonight, which means pulling out the black clothes. I started looking in my closet, and found an old skirt, and thought, "I wonder . . ."

So I took it out, and tried it on. It pulls up! It zips! I'm even considering tucking my shirt in, because there's room to do so! And, get this: it's a SIZE 20!!! Woohoo! I can't believe it. The last time I wore this ...
Read more : Just had to post it! | Views : 672 | Replies : 15

Guess What!?!

OK, I have to share....
I know I shouldn't weigh but once a week, but the scale was right there and I stepped on (drum roll, please)
WOO-HOOO!!! :yes:
I about freaked Steve out because I came running out of the bathroom, yelling. Granted, I am only 0.6 pounds below, but below just the same.
Had to tell you guys.
Love, ...
Read more : Guess What!?! | Views : 800 | Replies : 16

Medifast has changed my life

Hi everyone,

I don't post a lot but I'm just so excited lately that I just can't keep it in. Medifast has changed my life and I'm so happy. I have fluctuated between chubby and fat since puberty and didn't really start dieting until my 20's. Ofcourse my very first diet was a crash starvation diet designed by me. I lost weight don't know how much because I never weighed myself. I probably got down ...
Read more : Medifast has changed my life | Views : 842 | Replies : 14

Unca, 70# Club Please!

Morning, folks-

I passed the 70lb mark today...very exciting! Unca, please put me in the club!

Read more : Unca, 70# Club Please! | Views : 676 | Replies : 20

Little vs. Alot

Hey, everyone.
I spent some time reading posts tonight. First, I want to thank everyone for their encouragement. I read alot of posts, but don't post much. I try to keep up with everyones' losses and all the happenings. Anyway, I was just catching up on all the posts related to Holly. I feel compelled to write. Holly and I are at about the same place with our weight loss journey. My highest weight probably ...
Read more : Little vs. Alot | Views : 673 | Replies : 15

Hi everyone!!

Just popped on before I head to the airport to pick up the first arrivals!!
I am sooooooooooooo excited!!

I hope everyone is doing GREAT and shaking those pounds away!

I love Medifast! I feel so good about myself and my progress so far. I've got a way to go, but just the 27 pounds gave me so much more energy and self confidence.

I miss checking in here, but I will be back to ...
Read more : Hi everyone!! | Views : 299 | Replies : 10

Under the surface

Well after several fits and starts I am back on program, on day 3…………

And I need to get something off my chest.

This eating……it’s all in my head. What I am thinking is directly represented in what I am eating. I lost a good chunk of weight and kept it off for well over a year. Then I had a health problem that scared the stuffing out of me, and I let myself regress ...
Read more : Under the surface | Views : 372 | Replies : 10


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