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still here and still losing!!

Hi one and all,

I had a hard time getting onto the site last week. Sure missed you all!!

And Mike thanks for the "upgrade" to the 30 pounder club. But it looks like I may need another "upgrade" as I am just couple of pounds shy of a 40 pound loss!!

Honestly this program is so fantastic. I am in it for the long haul.
Having tried this twice before, I guess the 3rd ...
Read more : still here and still losing!! | Views : 366 | Replies : 1

NSV.. whee

So, besides my pants falling off on the metro stairs.. not much has happened in the way of NSV`s for me since I started in April..

But on Sunday.. just about when I was going to have a huge pathetic crying jag when I heard my sis in law is going to start trying for baby #2 (I have disgusting amounts of baby envy).. Jeremy`s friend looks at me and says..

"err, Kelly.. I don`t ...
Read more : NSV.. whee | Views : 433 | Replies : 7

90 Pound Club If You Wouldn't Mind!

It took me an hour and a half after weighing to realize it!
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WooHoo! 100 Pound Club, Please!

<img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""> I've lost a hundred pounds using Medifast
and I feel great!
:cheermed: <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="">

Note to Unca: Please put me in the 100# club ... Does this mean I get a :star: too???
;) ...
Read more : WooHoo! 100 Pound Club, Please! | Views : 1392 | Replies : 44

New Challenge!

This one's for you Nickie, hehe.

As most of you know, I'm leaving on vacation tomorrow - September 14. I hereby issue a challenge to all you Medifasters to remain compliant for the 2 weeks I will be gone.

I don't want to come back to any horror stories!

Get in line, get with the program, and make Jo mama proud!

Love you all even if you don't join, but I double dog dare you. ...
Read more : New Challenge! | Views : 573 | Replies : 12

Try Again

Well I am back what can I say its allot harder to get back in the program than staying on it but why do we stray??

I cant make promises but thanks to the success of many of you I need to get back in line.

During my absense I have gained everything and more back. Enough of that no tears many regrets Thank God you all are here.
Read more : Try Again | Views : 432 | Replies : 12


From a story we're running on BMI (part of a series, actually):

If the body mass index is accurate, then actor Mel Gibson, boxer Mike Tyson and California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger all fall into the obese category.
Other seemingly fit folks — including San Francisco Giants outfielder Barry Bonds and Texas Rangers designated hitter Sammy Sosa — would be considered overweight by BMI standards. Even Hollywood hunks Brad Pitt, George Clooney and Will Smith are, ...
Read more : BMI | Views : 415 | Replies : 1

I'm back and 33 pounds lighter!!

Hello one and all!

I have been "quiet" all summer so time to rejoin the ranks here.

Oh and Unca could you add me to the 30 pounder club please?

I restarted (again!) at the beginning of the summer. And to date have lost 33 pounds. What I found I needed to do - and for anyone new - this is just what has worked for to be around people who needed to lose ...
Read more : I'm back and 33 pounds lighter!! | Views : 411 | Replies : 3

Maintenance study

It’s the 20- or 40- or even 60-pound question. How do you lose weight and keep it off?

A team of researchers created the National Weight Control Registry to find out. Using newspaper and magazine advertisements, they identified about 5,000 people who had successfully lost weight and kept it off. Study participants lost an average of 72 pounds. Although some gained back some weight, all maintained at least a 30-pound loss.

A recent issue of ...
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Feeling down

Well the good news is that in 6 hours I will have made it my first full week in a year and half. But I am feeling down because I am feeling physically burned out I guess my body is taking a bit longer getting use to the fact that I am not eating 10000 cal a day anymore. I am also upset because I can't see the progress yet because sad to say my ...
Read more : Feeling down | Views : 505 | Replies : 8


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