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New Jeans!!!!

One of my main motivating factors of deciding to start MediFast was the fact I needed to buy a new pair of jeans. My size 18 jeans were wearing out and way too tight. I kept putting off buying new ones because I was in denial that I was going to have to go up to a size 20 to get some that would fit and be comfortable.

Along came MediFast....those size 18 jeans have ...
Read more : New Jeans!!!! | Views : 847 | Replies : 19

I feel like it already!

It's only my 3rd day, and I feel lighter already. I feel like I've parted with some pounds, but don't want to get on the scale until Sunday so I won't get dissapointed. Has anyone else felt like they lost a little in the beginning? Or am I just imagining things because I am so excited? Should I weigh myself, could I??? :devious:
Read more : I feel like it already! | Views : 429 | Replies : 7

Daily weighing and staying happy

Ok for those of us who must weigh it this way

so you don't feel this way

and YOUR kids don't have this conversation

Read more : Daily weighing and staying happy | Views : 872 | Replies : 15

Hubby Kept Cheating...

Here was my solution....

Read more : Hubby Kept Cheating... | Views : 529 | Replies : 10

A funny I just had to share with ya'll . . .

A friend sent this to me in an email (I bet some of you have seen it already), and, in light of all our medifast-related (well, large-volumes-of-water-related) issues, I thought you might get a kick, or at least a chuckle, out of it.

My mother was a fanatic about public bathrooms. When I was a little girl, she'd take me into the stall, teach me to wad up toilet paper and wipe the seat. Then, ...
Read more : A funny I just had to share with ya'll . . . | Views : 340 | Replies : 8


Ok, I'm fallling apart but instead of going for the cupcakes in my pantry, I'm coming to you guys. :bricks:

Vicky, I read your reply:

What's the problem? Are you physically hungry? Or is it more emotional? (You know, missing food; feeling sorry for yourself; scared to go past this point)? There HAS to be something that's stopping you in your tracks here.

Your right even though ...
Read more : Meltdown | Views : 905 | Replies : 27

You May Be Healthier Than You Think!

Hi MFers,

We may all be getting healthier than we realize! The following article talks about the benefits of including cinnamon in our diets.

Personally, I use cinnamon like it is going out of my oatmeal, hot cocoa & some shakes, oatmeal or shake cookies, etc.

I have included just the first couple paragraphs, but there is much more in the article of interest. Here it is:

"Just half a teaspoon of cinnamon a ...
Read more : You May Be Healthier Than You Think! | Views : 288 | Replies : 1

Look what I can do with my belt!

Okay, so I have a belt, don't remember what size it is, but that's not important.

I have gone tighter 3 holes in a week. Well, a week and a day, but still...

So, I had an idea, rather than buy a new belt, I was going to call this my "Weight Belt". With it, I will continue to make new 1 inch holes and see how far I can wrap this thing when I'm ...
Read more : Look what I can do with my belt! | Views : 330 | Replies : 7

Cool tool on glamour

Hi there!

I found this awesome tool on glamour website (glamour dot com). You can create your own virtual model that looks like you.

I thought it would be motivating for anyone to see how they look currently (I know we all are shy of cameras) and how the image would change as the weight is lost.

Check it out if interested.

Go to glamour dot com and click on dos and donts and then ...
Read more : Cool tool on glamour | Views : 463 | Replies : 1


First let me say, I'm thrilled with the results I've had so far. I've lost 12+ pounds and haven't even been on the diet for a week yet!

But as you all well know...along with the weight loss there has been a whole lot of peeing going on.

Normally, that's not really a problem, a small, sometimes large, inconvenience, but not unmanageabe. Until last night...

I sing in a Symphonic Choir and we had a ...
Read more : Help | Views : 376 | Replies : 8


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