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I've lost 4 bags of dog food!

If a bag of dog food weighed 10 pounds, I've lost 4 of them! I'm so excited. I started on the program January 3rd to get off my baby weight. I have 9 pounds left to go & have lost 41 pounds in the last 14 weeks (with not one cheat!). This is definitely the way to do it. The first time around I did pretty well for awhile, then I did lots of days ...
Read more : I've lost 4 bags of dog food! | Views : 888 | Replies : 18


I know you all have noticed what beautiful gals ( I mean, gorgeous!) and handsome guys who post on this Forum, that you could meet anywhere.

My greatest idea yet is this: Why not post a photo of each of us on our individual avatars as some already have.

Most of you already have some :cool: avatars, you know, animals, pretty faces,graphics, etc.. but it's really not ...
Read more : GREATEST IDEA YET! | Views : 2338 | Replies : 60

Strange conversations I've had lately.

I just saw one of my closest friends today and she said..."wow you've really lost alot of weight." so I went on and told yeah, it's really been easy aside from my tummy and stretch marks becoming wrinkly I'm really happy....then I said, "According to my BMI, I should lose another 40 lbs" she then asked, "Do you want to be anorexic or something? YOu look healthy just as you are."

Well, I don't want ...
Read more : Strange conversations I've had lately. | Views : 946 | Replies : 19


Hi Laura!

:birthday: Happy 30th Birthday to you! :cheers: Think 30 years old, 30 lbs lighter! :cheerleader: Great week for you! Now hold your husband to the promise to make you :chef: legal brownies with a candle and enjoy your day! ...
Read more : HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVEN ELVIS! | Views : 668 | Replies : 21

I'm melting!....

Keep the faith! Those week-long stalls do pay off. The scale keeps moving daily for me this week! Yea! Also - I've noticed that I'm hungrier this week. I think it's the feeling of my body giving in to letting go of the pounds. Half a pound to go to 20# club!
Read more : I'm melting!.... | Views : 302 | Replies : 7

And the Diagnostic Pants say...(holding envelope up to head)

...another successful week! My weekly weigh-ins start after next week (week 3) but til then I am using the tried-and-true "diagnostic pants" method. At the beginning of week 1 I couldn't get several pairs of pants even close to zipped . You know, I was sure that those cheapo clothing manufacturers were saving $$ by cutting my size way smaller. At the end of week 1, the pants zipped with some difficulty and I resembled ...
Read more : And the Diagnostic Pants say...(holding envelope up to head) | Views : 391 | Replies : 11

80# club, Unca!

Morning, Unca!

Please put me in the 80# club...finally!

Thanks, everyone, for your continued support!

Read more : 80# club, Unca! | Views : 586 | Replies : 17

Yoo hoo Unca plz enter me in the 30lb club...

Those 140's are coming into view, I'm so excited after my departure from the flock...Mike and I were at an opening of a new Super Target and I sailed right by all the free grub they were shoving in our faces, Mike (skinny thing) partook of a lot of it but not this girl...NO..No..No..I'm not going there.

I'll take a picture on Sunday, I got Michael a new suit and I'll be duded up as ...
Read more : Yoo hoo Unca plz enter me in the 30lb club... | Views : 339 | Replies : 9

First goal complete! Forty pound club please.

When I started this diet, my first goal was to get to 330 pounds. It isn't exactly a low number, but it happens to be the maximum amount that my previous scale would reach, and the highest amount that I could find in scales at local department stores. It's quite frustrating to need something simple like that and be completely unable to find a proper choice.

I did manage to find a digital scale online ...
Read more : First goal complete! Forty pound club please. | Views : 715 | Replies : 17

weight lost

Hi all. 3 weeks till Mexico and i have lost a total of 19.5 pounds it has been a journey and i had a few set backs but i am determined to lose 10 more punds in 3 weeks, i now am starting to fit in to all my OLD skinny clothes.

Happy Easter all

Megs Mom
Read more : weight lost | Views : 339 | Replies : 5


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