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Fitness and Exercise

Power 90?

Hey everyone! Next week I will be starting my third week, and I feel so energized now that I am going to get back into exercising. I have a treadmill and plan to use that, but I also have a variety of fitness tapes. I bought Power90, and have used it one time. So, I was just wondering if anyone out there has used this and if they thought it was worth the time. If ...
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getting rid of stretchmarks

I am new to medifast after trying Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Atkins, etc. I am giving advice on a routine I am doing that actually works for stretchmarks because I know this is probably everyone's biggest concern, after weight loss. There is a website called <snip>no urls please - UT</snip> when this lady,Jean Wu, has a technique(she used it herself and has before/after pictures) of an at home microdermabrasion technique. You take a bath/shower for ...
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Finally got moving!

Ok, I finally did it. :cheerleader: I went to Curves, signed up, and started! I can't believe I finally got the nerve to go. It's been so long since I have had gotten off my butt to do anything. I got to the point that I was afraid to face it....afraid to have eyes on me....:couch: afraid I couldn't ...
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Exercise really DOES make a difference!

Hey, folks-

So, I train with a trainer several times a week, have been for a long time, long before MF. But when I first started MF, I took it really easy with him, trying to figure out what my body can handle. Then we started building back a bit, certainly not to the level of intensity as before MF (don't have the strength for that now!), but to a good level. I have also ...
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Why do we have to wait?

I've been on the diet only 6 days now and have read how you need to wait to exercise. What is the reasoning for this? Is it not to burn calories because we're eating little anyways? If it is this could I at least do a little bit of toning exercises? Would this hurt at all? Can anyone help and let me know what I can do and if not when can I start? Thanks ...
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Weight Training

I currently walk 20-30 mins. 3 x week. I would like to add another day of exercise but not walking - I'd like to do LIGHT weight training (20 mins.)

My question is has anyone had experience doing this and if so, did it cause a weight gain? I am hesitant to start this if it will cause a gain...I'd love to hear from some veteran exercisers. Thanks.
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Arm problums

I was wondering what kind of exercises are really effective at tonning and shapping upper arms.

They have always been a problumatic area for me, and after my pregnancy it only got worse. I went shopping for the first time really in 2 years to get some good cloths, not just one or two items, or cheep stuff from a catalog. I found a jacket I love and it fits everywhere but the arms. I ...
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favorite exercise dvd

I'm new to medi-fast, but I've always exercised so, based on the other posts, I'm gonna keep walking (gently, less time). Anyway, I usually either walk outside or do the walk away the pounds videos. I'm a little bored with the videos, though, so am looking for suggestions. Does anyone have any suggestions?


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Everyone should ballroom dance.


Being a ballroom dancer myself, I'd just like to say that ballroom dancing is a great way to get fit and relax.
I tell alot of people how great it is, and they tell me they'll do it, but never end up going to classes.
The best thing is that people of pretty much all sizes can dance.
The exercise part isn't intense at all (1,2 cha cha cha). Except maybe quickstep.

It's my ...
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I am Al Bundy.

Remember that show "Married ...with Children"? Al Bundy lived in the past, always remember his days as a highschool football player. Well I feel like I'm Al Bundy whenever I talk about martial arts. It was the best time of my life.

I started in an aerobics style kickboxing class. NEVER in my entire life had anyone ever expected me to be able to do everything. In gym class the teachers just counted me out ...
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