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Rooftop Reflections

I thought today I would share a little ‘event’ that happened to me last weekend – it kinda encompasses all the changes that my success in weight loss have brought me.

I mentioned in another post that I’ve been dating someone (be still my beating heart). This in and of itself has been a roller coaster ride emotionally. I used my weight to hide from getting close to anyone, and (GULP!) now here’s a man ...
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When you need motivation READ THIS

A day in the life of LW2G --

First, a disclaimer. I’m not writing this to evoke sympathy, and some of what I write will be personally embarrassing for me. I’m writing it in hopes that it will set your mind straight and provide the motivation you need to get started, get back on track or see what can happen to you if you don’t.

Now a little history:

When I graduated high school I ...
Read more : When you need motivation READ THIS | Views : 5849 | Replies : 26

What is your reasoning for...

For those of you that have tried Medifast, and seen large loss results, when you CHOOSE to have a lapse in the program, or a “do over” and I mean C-H-O-O-S-E, make that conscious decision to go off the program, what goes through your mind when you order that meal off the menu, or when you go to the cupboard, and pull out that taboo item? When you sit in the couch, and justify in ...
Read more : What is your reasoning for... | Views : 3718 | Replies : 27


Hi everyone....lots of new names, and a few old faithfuls I recognize.

Remember as kids when we would play a ball game, and we would totally and completely mess up and miss the ball? We didn't want it to count against us, so we asked for a "do-over" and not count the mistake so we could do it again and get it right.

Well, fellow team members, I am asking all of you for a ...
Read more : "Do-Overs" | Views : 3405 | Replies : 22

Ready to hear Mike say 'I TOLD YOU SO'!

Hi Gang,

We all have days when this hardly seems worth it. It’s too hard, and it would be too darn easy to quit. The days when we’re depressed or down emotionally feel like they take a tremendous toll, and we struggle to see past the momentary misery. Sometimes it seems nearly impossible to look ahead to the relief of achieving our long term goal. We listen to Mike pushing and prodding us to keep ...
Read more : Ready to hear Mike say 'I TOLD YOU SO'! | Views : 1582 | Replies : 12

About this room.

We value each and every post, but this room is dedicated to the posts we get that have the most impact on everyone.

If you'd like to submit a post for entry into "The Elevator" just PM Unca Tim or Nancy and we'll include it.

Anyone may continue to reply to any of these posts, but new entries aren't allowed unless chosen by the regular memebers at MakeMeThinner.

Read more : About this room. | Views : 14721 | Replies : 0

The more things change the smaller I get

I’ve been thinking A LOT these last couple weeks (Big surprise huh Mike???). I had a big tough patch (I think I was off the program for a total of 5 days, during which I gained 8 pounds). I got back on the MF horse, rebounded back down, and last week I kept going and finally hit my first goal AND the 40 pound marker, just in time for the end of my 3rd month ...
Read more : The more things change the smaller I get | Views : 1800 | Replies : 5

What motivates you??

What is your motivation for being on Medifast? Is it to look better? Feel better? Is it to get attention? Is it to LIVE LONGER?

I'll admit, most of my motivation is VANITY. I didn't have any health problems before I started, so health wasn't a motivator. (Although, I know I will increase my chances for a healthier life now!) So.....

Here are my vain reasons for being on Medifast:
--I want to get a ...
Read more : What motivates you?? | Views : 4912 | Replies : 39

Sheeesh, Guido is on his high horse again!

I am wearing the Guido hat for this post.

I went to my buddies Sat night, and no it was not a Poker game! This is the “macaroni salad buddy” I ate fairly reasonably, with no regrets (except maybe a bottle of suds too much). His wife pulls out some banana cream – gazillion – calorie per slice pie monstrosity she created. Everyone indulges. I did not. We were talking about it today, as he ...
Read more : Sheeesh, Guido is on his high horse again! | Views : 1779 | Replies : 13

'de nile' ain't just a river in Egypt baby

Last Saturday I moved into a cute lil 3rd floor bachelorette pad. I've done more flights of stairs in the last 6 days than I have in the last year. All of a sudden a priority in my life is minimizing what I bring home because then it has to be hauled up the stairs. No more buying water at the store for me, I have one of those faucet filters now.

But some things ...
Read more : 'de nile' ain't just a river in Egypt baby | Views : 1607 | Replies : 6


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