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Got clothes that are too big and ya wanna get rid of? If you're following a weight loss plan, you do.

Donate, trade, barter or sell outgrown clothing here.

Got some stuff to trade!!!

Okay I have the following items to trade....

2 - French Vanilla oatmeals
4 - chili's
4 - chicken noodle soups...

I like the chocolate, chocolate caramel and lemon bars, I like the dutch chocolate, french vanilla shakes, I like the creme of tomato soup or the puddings.... I also like the cappuchino....

anyhow, let me know if you would like to trade.


Read more : Got some stuff to trade!!! | Views : 900 | Replies : 4

I don't like the banana!!

Hey ya'll!! I have some stuff to trade. I am totally NOT diggin the banana puddin :puke: which is so strange, because I ordinarilly LOVE anything flavored like banana. I don't care much for the shakes either, but can tolerate them if I HAVE to. I also don't like the chili or the chai latte. Oh, yes, and the strawberry shakes. So, here is what I have: ...
Read more : I don't like the banana!! | Views : 400 | Replies : 1

Medifast Shakes to Sell/Trade

My doctor is totally against me doing Medifast because of the low calories and with my last blood panel she was pretty adamant. :x

I have 8 boxes of Banana Blitz 55
I have 2 boxes of Dutch Chocolate 55
I have 2 boxes of Orange Delight 55

I also have 1 box of S'More Granola Bars and one box of the Fruit and Nut Granola Bars, ...
Read more : Medifast Shakes to Sell/Trade | Views : 876 | Replies : 6

Lee® Side Elastic Twill Pants (26W)

I have two pair of these docker-type pants available in khaki and navy in size 26W. They're about one year old but have only been worn maybe five times. I buy these all the time at JC Penneys so have included a pic from their web site for clarification:


Anyone that's willing to pay for USPS Postal Priority Shipping + delivery confirmation can have them.
Read more : Lee® Side Elastic Twill Pants (26W) | Views : 458 | Replies : 4

I would love to trade

Hello everyone.

I have a box of Cappuccino (7 packs)
I have a box of French Vanilla Shakes ( 7 packs)

Here is what i like,,,, Chick noodle soup, strawberry shakes, puddings, cold drinks are ok to, Even any oatmeals other then Vanilla...

if you have any thing to trade or would be interested please let me know.

Thank you.. Hope some one wants to trade some thing.
Read more : I would love to trade | Views : 401 | Replies : 1

Any ladies looking for a few size 16 work-type clothes

Between sizes, I bought a few things for my stay at 16. I was away on business and completely missed size 16. I have 2 skirts and 2 pants new with tags (they're just from Sears, but cute!) and just want to see if anyone needs them while they are going between sizes. I hate spending money on a size I'm not going to stay at, so I thought I'd pass these on to ...
Read more : Any ladies looking for a few size 16 work-type clothes | Views : 389 | Replies : 4

I love puddings!

I have the following that I'd like to trade:

1 box Strawberry Shake (GONE)
1 box Vanilla Shake (GONE)
2 boxes Chili
1 box Minestrone
1 box Chicken & Wild Rice Soup (GONE)
1 box Chicken Noodle Soup (GONE)
5 packets Cappucino (GONE)
6 packets Chai Latte

I will take Banana :yay: and/or Chocolate pudding; cocoa; or banana :yay: ...
Read more : I love puddings! | Views : 298 | Replies : 0

Would Like to trade Chai Latte

I have six pkgs of chai latte that I will trade for cappachino if anyone is interested?
Read more : Would Like to trade Chai Latte | Views : 413 | Replies : 0

Looking for Cold Drinks

Hi- Im wanting to try all of the cold drinks including the iced teas and would be willing to trade for pretty much anything. If you have some you dont care for, let me know.

Thank YOu
Read more : Looking for Cold Drinks | Views : 361 | Replies : 2

Chai Latte, and Cream of Broccoli

I have Chai Latte minus one pack and 1 whole box of
Cream of Broccoli GONE
to swap...anyone interested pm me.

Read more : Chai Latte, and Cream of Broccoli | Views : 343 | Replies : 0


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