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Got clothes that are too big and ya wanna get rid of? If you're following a weight loss plan, you do.

Donate, trade, barter or sell outgrown clothing here.

Vanilla Shakes

Hi all,

I have three boxes of vanilla shakes that I'm willing to trade for either::

any bars
any of the cream soups

If you only want a box or a few, I'm good with that - just PM if interested - I'm pretty flexible :)

I'm going to be gone until tomorrow night so if I don't reply today or early tomorrow, ...
Read more : Vanilla Shakes | Views : 338 | Replies : 1

3X, 2X, 22's FREE! FREE! FREE!

I have some really nice 3X, 2X, Size 22, clothes that I need to get out of my house very soon. I would love to give them to a MFer who could use them instead of the alternative.

Anyone who is willing to pay postage and trusts me to send nice stuff is welcome to them.

I have things from all seasons, but I'll start with summer. Most of the stuff is Elizabeth, Jones New ...
Read more : 3X, 2X, 22's FREE! FREE! FREE! | Views : 471 | Replies : 2

size 26 jeans

hi, guys. i hae some size 26 jeans from old navy and lane giant that i am hoping to never be able to wear again (for the good reason). i also have quite a few pairs of 24s that i hope to not be wearing soon. some are definitely worn. the smaller my butt gets, the longer my pants get.... but if you are just looking to fill a need while you downsize, they're more ...
Read more : size 26 jeans | Views : 319 | Replies : 4

Trade oatmeal or chai latte for banana pudding???

I was wondering if anyone would like to trade a box of oatmeal for a box of Banana Pudding? I have either Peach or Apple/Cinnamin oatmeal that I can trade. I also have 6 packets of Chai Latte to trade as well.

Just PM me here if you are interested! I know don't have many posts here, but have lurked for several weeks and have traded successfully here already!

Thanks, Jodi
Read more : Trade oatmeal or chai latte for banana pudding??? | Views : 409 | Replies : 3

Size 22, Size 24 various clothes up for grabs - hardly worn

I have various size 22 and some size 24 dress pants. They are really nice - most purchased from Lane Bryant...they are completely like new. I'd be happy to give them to someone who needs them! I also have some professional clothes that are o so nice...suit jackets etc...that I wont be needing anymore since I am now in an 18/20 and getting smaller by the minute!!!! :D ...
Read more : Size 22, Size 24 various clothes up for grabs - hardly worn | Views : 453 | Replies : 4

Bars for grabs!!!!

Hi all. I have these things to trade: 5 oatmeal raisin bars
2 lemon bars
3 fruit and nut bars
I would like to trade for banana puddings or mint bars.
Read more : Bars for grabs!!!! | Views : 460 | Replies : 4

PLEASE help me prepare for vacation

That's right... I'm staying on plan on vacation. :exercise:

I would like to trade for my current favorites which also happen to be easier for me to prepare. I will divide the following to suit your offers. I want to trade with prompt and established Forum members to avoid any bad trades. I have traded twice without problems, and I want to keep it that way! ...
Read more : PLEASE help me prepare for vacation | Views : 443 | Replies : 5

Bad Trade

Hey guys wanted to give you the heads up. I sent Freedom who now I see has only 5 posts out there (should have checked first) 13 packs of Chili for a trade and guess what I haven't received a thing :(

Beware of this one everyone
Read more : Bad Trade | Views : 644 | Replies : 8

Lots to trade

I am looking to trade the following stuff for any of the 55 shakes or Cranberry mango or Fruit punch or any bars

1 peach
6 mbs
6 apple cinnamon

Hot drinks:
8 chai latte
7 hot chocolates


2 chicken noodle
5 cream of brocoli
5 chicken and wild rice
8 chili
11 minestrone

Let me know if you are interested

Read more : Lots to trade | Views : 420 | Replies : 3

Would like to trade a full box of Tropical Fruit Punch.

Hi! I've been lurking here for a couple of weeks and am week 2 of the program. I bought two boxes of the punch because it was on sale, but find I don't really care for it. I would love to trade my one full box for any of the following.

Any shakes.
Chocolate pudding.
Any bars.
Chicken Rice Soup.

Please PM me if interested!

Read more : Would like to trade a full box of Tropical Fruit Punch. | Views : 417 | Replies : 2


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