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Got clothes that are too big and ya wanna get rid of? If you're following a weight loss plan, you do.

Donate, trade, barter or sell outgrown clothing here.

Cream of broccoli?

I have maybe six boxes or so of broccoli soup (plus some chicken noodle), and now that I'm in maintenance, I just don't eat it very much. Anyone want to trade? The only Medifast meals I DO eat regularly these days are the oatmeals and the chocolate pudding. Anyone interested? I'd even trade two boxes of broccoli soup for every one box of pudding, just to get rid of them.
Read more : Cream of broccoli? | Views : 456 | Replies : 4

It's getting colder so dive in...

I have the following available for trade and would love to trade for Chicken Wild Rice, strawberry or chocolate shakes, oatmeal, or orange delight. I would also be willing to trade for anything not on this list...

12 chili
5 minestrone
5 vanilla powder shake mix
3 cream of broccoli
Read more : It's getting colder so dive in... | Views : 330 | Replies : 1

Bunch o' food to trade

I have the following to trade:

1 boxes of chili
1 box banana shakes
1 box of latte
6 packages chicken noodle soup
1 box of chicken & rice soup
1 box french vanilla shakes
6 packages peach oatmeal

Would like to trade for chocolate shakes, chocolate pudding or maple & brown sugar oatmeal. Feel free to PM me :)
Read more : Bunch o' food to trade | Views : 365 | Replies : 0

Up for trade

I have the following to trade:

chili - 12 packages
chai latte - 6 packages
hot chocolate - 2 packages
cappuchino - 1 package
peach iced tea - 1 package
tropical punch - 1 packages

will trade for chicken and wild rice soup, chicken noodle soup, any bars, shakes or oatmeal.

Would really love to get rid of this chili
Read more : Up for trade | Views : 528 | Replies : 9

good deal

$75.00 .....and I pay Fedex 2day

Dutch Chocolate 70 - 3 packages
Chocolate Divine Bars - 1 box and 2 bars
Chocolate Mint Bars - 5 bars
Minestrone Soup - 6 packages
Homestyle Chili - 2 boxes
Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal - 1 box
Multi-grain crackers -1 box

<snip>no email addys - Mr. Snippy</snip>
Read more : good deal | Views : 330 | Replies : 0

fruit shakes

I still have:

1 box Banana Creme Shakes
1 box Orange Creme Shakes
6 packets Strawberry Creme Shakes

Ideally I would trade for Dutch Chocolate Shakes or Swiss Mocha Shakes, but I will also take:

Chicken Noodle Soup
Hot Cocoa
French Vanilla Shakes

or make an offer... Maybe you have something I've never tried. :)
Read more : fruit shakes | Views : 383 | Replies : 0

lonely minestrone

I have a lonely unopened box of minestrone received last month from MF which I would trade for choc. shakes, chili, chicken noodle or wild rice soup, or a mix of above. You can PM me or e-mail
<snip>no emails addys please - Mr. Snippy</snip>

Happy shakin'!
Read more : lonely minestrone | Views : 323 | Replies : 0

Soups for sale or trade

I have the following for sale or trade:

5 packs of Cream of Broccoli soup, exp. 12/17/07
12 packs of Chili, exp. 1/12/08
6 packs of Minestrone soup, exp. 10/01/06
4 packs of Chicken Noodle soup, exp. 11/19/07

I will trade these for any shakes, pudding and oatmeal. I havn't tried all the bars, but so far I only like smores and fruit & nut. If someone wants to purchase these please make me an ...
Read more : Soups for sale or trade | Views : 289 | Replies : 0

Will Trade Anything I have Left for Bars or Tropical Punch

Hey guys

Well I did the medifast thing for 3 months, lost about 15-20 pounds and I'm happy. I have gone back to normal eating and now I'm doing the 3 and 3. If anyone is looking for anything pm me and I'll see if I have it, I do have a bunch of stuff so most likely I will have what your looking for

thank you
Read more : Will Trade Anything I have Left for Bars or Tropical Punch | Views : 395 | Replies : 0

Cappachino any one??

One box cappachino for any kind of shake/ pudding or bars!!
Read more : Cappachino any one?? | Views : 440 | Replies : 3


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