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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)

When I am REALLY craving sweets.

Sometimes when I feel like I am about to go crazy for a candy bar or some icecream I use a very small amount of water with my shake so that it is almost a pudding consistency. I add splenda and it satisfies my sweet tooth!
Read more : When I am REALLY craving sweets. | Views : 1101 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Lean Cuisine


Hello, friends!

Well, today was a BIG day for me....

1) I joined the 30 pound club! WooooHoooo!

2) I am now OUT of the 200's.....FOREVER 8)

3) I am now 1/3 of the way to my goal weight!!!

4) I fit into a pair of regular "large" pants....not 1x, not 2x, just regular ol' "large" ;)

And finally....(drum ...
Read more : MILESTONES | Views : 439 | Replies : 8 | Forum : The Weight Room

Glad to be BACK HOME


It's good to be home from vacation. We had a great time in Vermont/New Hampshire...what a BEAUTIFUL part of the country.

I did really well with my MF while I was away. The hardest part was the car trip....ALL THOSE POTTY BREAKS ;)

I noticed that keeping busy sure helps me stay away from the food....I also noticed how much EATING people do on vacation as ...
Read more : Glad to be BACK HOME | Views : 488 | Replies : 3 | Forum : The Weight Room

Sunday Morning Roll Call, July 25, 2004

Hi everyone!

I lost 6 pounds this week. I'm at 200. 1 pound away from my first goal!

I saw Cyrano de Bergerac at the Shakespeare Theater in DC yesterday with a few friends. I brought a digital camera to catch us together since two of them are moving to North Carolina soon. Anyway, I've been feeling skinny what with none of my clothes fitting, etc. I've been telling myself that 165 may or may ...
Read more : Sunday Morning Roll Call, July 25, 2004 | Views : 580 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Roll Call

Greetings! Just started Wed. afternoon, July 23rd...

Hi, all! This is Tomeka from Oklahoma City!

Can you tell me what my body is doing?...I started taking shakes at 2p on Wed 7/23/04. I am on the full fast and I do the 8a (w/appetite suppresant),11a,2p (w/appetite suppresant), 5p, 8p. The shakes are 100 calories each. I cheated on Thurs. at 5p and had a croissant sandwich with some roastbeef and cheese and tomato slices (mustard for dressing)and then got back on the ...
Read more : Greetings! Just started Wed. afternoon, July 23rd... | Views : 552 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Come on in.

Does it ever slow down???

Whew, talking about bathroom runs! I just had to ask about whether going to the bathroom (peeing, for lack of a better, less technical word) lets up the longer a person is on MF. I have read many back posts, but don't remember reading about whether this ever lets up.

It seems like one day, I won't have to go as much, and then another day, like today, I'm running to the bathroom every 30 ...
Read more : Does it ever slow down??? | Views : 658 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Weight Loss

Coming Out

When I first began Medifast in May, I was uncomfortable adding a signature like so many of you have with my starting weight, progress and goal. I haven't told anyone how much I've weighed for a long time. Even though I know my weight would be decreasing, I think I had a fear that I would be unsuccessful on the program and that people would actually know my real, too high, weight.

A few weeks ...
Read more : Coming Out | Views : 558 | Replies : 11 | Forum : The Weight Room

Crossing the invisibility barrier :-)

Another side effect of losing weight: The crossing of the invisibility barrier.

I'm back on the radar screen for other men now! It's amazing how they suddenly notice you after you've shed some pounds...
Read more : Crossing the invisibility barrier :-) | Views : 1150 | Replies : 19 | Forum : Weight Loss

Checking In

Hello everyone...just wanted to check in today....I am getting so much from your posts today. I just love how honest everyone is here. Something that I surely need. Hope everyone is ok.
I am doing good. Wrestling with those "food demons" is proving to be interesting. I am looking at that darn "oral fixation"...I mean it is like I have GOT to have something in my, I am just paying attention to that.
Don't ...
Read more : Checking In | Views : 538 | Replies : 2 | Forum : The Weight Room

Timing of shakes question

I have a question about the importance/necessity of having three shakes by 2:00 PM.

I'm a bit of a late riser (and late faller), and usually don't have my first shake until 9:30 or 10:00 in the morning, and I sometimes have it at 9:00. I've been having my third shake between 3:00-3:30 in the afternoon, because of the relatively late time that I have my first shake. I have tried spacing my shakes with ...
Read more : Timing of shakes question | Views : 1954 | Replies : 9 | Forum : Weight Loss


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