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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)


Hi everyone,
Well I did it. I finished the first week on the program. :D I was going to post after the first day, then I thought I'll wait til I finish day 3. Then it was let's wait til the first week. So here it is. day 8 and I LOST 10#. WOOHOO.
I've got to tell you, I was really scared. I didn't know ...
Read more : FINISHED WEEK ONE | Views : 468 | Replies : 10 | Forum : The Weight Room

Medifast Popsicles

My homemade MF popscicles make my world a better place.

The basic recipe:

6 oz. water
1 package shake mix
1 packet sweetner (trust need the packet of sweetner!)

SHAKE WELL. Pour into popscicle mold, and freeze. I get 2 large popscicles from every MF package. They are YUMMY and I feel like I'm EATING 8)

Some of my favorite combinations....

Dutch Chocolate with 1/8 tsp. ...
Read more : Medifast Popsicles | Views : 2083 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Weirdness in a shaker glass

LW asked me about my curious drop to 4 pounds of lost butter fat this past week and it got me to thinking. I pulled out my old daily diaries from when I was on OptiFast a couple of years ago and I found EXACTLY the same pattern! I lost like gangbusters for a few weeks, then had a 5 pound week, a 4 pound week, a 3 pound week, a no loss week, then ...
Read more : Weirdness in a shaker glass | Views : 374 | Replies : 1 | Forum : The Weight Room

this little piggy went...GROSS!!!

NECN (New England Cable News) has a "new and exciting on the web" section every morning. Today they aired a story with a recipe for deep-fried Oreo's! Yes, I said DEEP-FRIED OREO'S!!!

I think I'll be sick!

I'll not post the recipe, least someone be tempted, but one of the newscasters commented that she had eaten one at a party. She described it as a puffy pastry with mushy chocolate goo in the middle. She ...
Read more : this little piggy went...GROSS!!! | Views : 1694 | Replies : 35 | Forum : The Weight Room

Anyone else experience this .... ?

Hey guys!

I have a question for those of you who have been on MF (especially full fast) for two months or more. Did you all experience a resurgence of psychological hunger after day 60 or so? I've heard that some people have this happen--it's like the brain perks up to food again.

I don't know how to explain it, but all of a sudden, food has become stimuli for me again. And I'm not ...
Read more : Anyone else experience this .... ? | Views : 476 | Replies : 7 | Forum : The Weight Room

New to MF

My 17-yr old daughter and I started MF yesterday. We are both excited to be involved in this endeavor. Kelsey and I both have about 60 pounds to lose and are hoping by Christmas that we will look and feel better. Judging by the weight losses I've read about in this forum, we should be pretty well on our way.

Since I teach and keep a refrigerator in my room, it's easy to make ...
Read more : New to MF | Views : 353 | Replies : 8 | Forum : Come on in.

Where are the MEN???

Mike!!! Gerald!!!

Neither of you have posted in days.....where are you?????
Read more : Where are the MEN??? | Views : 2184 | Replies : 30 | Forum : Weight Loss


Morning Gang--

As mentioned in my post yesterday - I decided an accountability thread wasn't a bad idea afterall - I know I need it!!!

SO here's the deal yesterday was my first re-start "clean" day back on my modified plan - the MF modified - not the Pam-maintain program.

TOUGH DAY --- I've gotten into some bad habits these last few months and although I had been maintaining - I had a friend here ...
Read more : JUST ME | Views : 2011 | Replies : 53 | Forum : The Weight Room

Bye Bye goal # 2!

This morning I stepped on the scale (yes, I do every single morning, LOL--I know, I know...) and was flabbergasted to see I was two pounds lighter! That puts me at my second goal of 265 pounds! Very very awesome. This is why I don't get worked up in a stalled week...because I know that as long as I keep doing what I'm doing, the scale WILL move and move a LOT...I just have to ...
Read more : Bye Bye goal # 2! | Views : 542 | Replies : 9 | Forum : The Weight Room

Tai Chi

Great Idea Tim!!

Ok, let me chime in here about Tai Chi.
I've been taking a class for nearly 3 years. When I attended the first one I thought it was almost a joke. How could this stuff POSSIBLY have any impact on my body???? Very unlike traditional exercise. I was sooooo WRONG.

I highly recommend it for anyone who has a class available.
Calorie wise, from what I have found the it's similar to ...
Read more : Tai Chi | Views : 829 | Replies : 4 | Forum : The Gymnasium


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