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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)

2nd time on Medifast, 1st time to post

Hi, my name is Donica and I am a foodaholic. I have finally come to the conclusion that I am addicted to food the same way some are addicted to alcohol. Unfortunately for me, I cannot totally stop eating.

As I stated on the subject line this is my second time to try Medifast. Honestly I don't know why I stopped the first time. :x I was ...
Read more : 2nd time on Medifast, 1st time to post | Views : 1472 | Replies : 18 | Forum : Come on in.

Info at end of your posts

This will probably be stupid but I have a question about how your posts look at the bottom...

1-where do you go to to put the beginning/now/goal weight?
2-where does everyone get the animated graph (ticker?)

Just wanted to jazz up my post-figure I will be on here a bit and don't want to bore everyone! I think this board is going to help me make it this time!

Lee Ann
Read more : Info at end of your posts | Views : 395 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Come on in.

Shake/water question

After a number of roadblocks that prevented me from starting earlier, here is my DAY 1!!! Already had the oatmeal (not so bad) and am beginning the water consumption. Today's goal is 64 oz--hopefully in a few days I can goal 100 oz, the 110...that seems to be what works for the most of you as I read...

QUESTION...Do you mis the shakes with COLD water? I haven't seen it written or posted. Just put ...
Read more : Shake/water question | Views : 508 | Replies : 12 | Forum : Come on in.

For those interested...

Just thought I would share a really beneficial site that I have come across, makes deciding lean/green meals and veggie options a breeze.

Im sure it would be an awesome tool for those in transition or maintenance as well. I have yet to find a food that didnt have the nutritional data available.



Not sure if this is an allowable form of posting a website but if by chance it is edited my ...
Read more : For those interested... | Views : 462 | Replies : 1 | Forum : The Weight Room

First day NOT hungry!!!

WOOO HOOOOOO!!! This is my 7th day in a row on the program and the FIRST day I am not hungry! I have been wondering when the hunger would go away...and taaa-daaaaa!!! Usually about 1 or 2 hours after a shake or other supplement I start getting hungry and counting the minutes until my next meal or eating pickles, celery or jello...Today I haven't even had any extras and I have been having to remind ...
Read more : First day NOT hungry!!! | Views : 397 | Replies : 5 | Forum : The Weight Room

Transition - Phase "C"

Morning all... Another phase, another menu! I spent 5 days at Phase "B", which is equivalent to MF's Phase 5. I'm now doing 5 days of MF Phase 6, which tells us to add a serving of grain. I found out, after doing some research, that "serving" can mean one thing according to the USDA food guide / food pyramid, and another when it comes to reading nutrition facts on food labels. I decided to ...
Read more : Transition - Phase "C" | Views : 790 | Replies : 10 | Forum : Maintenance

Another TickerFactory question

Do I have to go back to the site and create a new ticker each week after weighing in, or is there a way to modify the code in my profile to update it? (I tried, and it didn't work) :scratchhead:
Read more : Another TickerFactory question | Views : 549 | Replies : 1 | Forum : The Web Room

Please help my poor taste buds

OK- I have 3 boxes of the Chicken & Wild Rice soup. I would really like to trade them for oatmeal or shakes. I do not like mushrooms which mean that the soup is nasty to my taste buds. :(

Someone please take pitty on me and swap. I may die if I have to actually eat the mushroom (ok, I might be a drama queen). ...
Read more : Please help my poor taste buds | Views : 2373 | Replies : 35 | Forum : Swap N Shop


I have just recently started the Medifast plan (5 & 1). I am fine through the day, but about a 1/2 hour after eating supper I become very hungry. My daily intake consists of 2 shakes at 7:30 am and 10:30am lunch of soup at Noon and about 2 I have a Medifast bar. I eat around 6pm and then by 7 or so I break down and have something that is not on the ...
Read more : Hungry | Views : 633 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Weight Loss

Medifasting For Teens

I have a 16 and a half year old son who might be interested in trying Medifast for awhile. Is there any reason why teens shouldn't be doing the 5 and 1, or any products that are a better choice than others for teens? Would the number of ounces of protein for a lean and green meal be the same as for males generally? Are there any "tweaks" to the program for teens? He's not ...
Read more : Medifasting For Teens | Views : 1248 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Weight Loss


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