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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)

New to weigh in

Hi I hope I am doing this right.. I have been on M.F. for 1 month as of May 18th.. I started out at 267.50 and as of this morning I was 238.50.. I would like to continue to weigh in each Sunday ..I am going to Branson on June 18th and hope to have lost another 20 lbs. by then.. I really need all the support I can get.. Thanks--Marty
Read more : New to weigh in | Views : 545 | Replies : 6 | Forum : The Weight Room

Pseudo Vichyssoise (Hot or Cold)

Or, in english, yummy potato soup. :D

I can't believe how close this tastes to the real thing.

In a blender mix a chicken fast soup or 1 cup of chicken bouillon. Add about 1 C of very well cooked cauliflower and about a TBS of chopped green onion or shallots (shallots taste the best). Puree for about a minute. Chill for about an hour, or ...
Read more : Pseudo Vichyssoise (Hot or Cold) | Views : 643 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Before pic with 2 chins

I'm sending my picture to unca to post for me so it may not show up right away. Unfortunately, I can't find a full body shot, but at least you'll know who your talking to now. I did have a full body shot taken with Richard Simmons :coach: , he's exactly like you see him on T.V., but I think I got rid of it because I ...
Read more : Before pic with 2 chins | Views : 1307 | Replies : 12 | Forum : Studio

Old Fashion Soda Fountain Chocolate Shake

If you can find Canfield's S/F Chocolate Fudge soda, this is a wonderful way to have your shakes.

Use a really big glass because this will end up with a head on top like a float. Pour a chocolate shake over ice and slowly add about half the can of soda. Stir it a bit and then add the rest of the soda. If you use a partially frozen shake, it's even better.
Read more : Old Fashion Soda Fountain Chocolate Shake | Views : 988 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Old dog, new tricks

Coming into the group as one with all the malady's of the morbidly obese, I am looking forward to success in this new health venture. I have 200+ pounds to lose. Funny thing is I know I can do it...given good sense, a bit of support, and my own continued commitment to regaining the life I have lost thru my weight-based inabilities. I will do it. I am far too young to cancel my subscription ...
Read more : Old dog, new tricks | Views : 1992 | Replies : 35 | Forum : Come on in.

Sunday Morning Roll Call: May 22, 2005

Goooooooooooooood Sunday Morning Everybody!!
This has been a bizarre week for me weight wise. Last week I reported 160.2, but by the next day instead of being at my coveted 159 I was actually UP to 161.4 :cry: I wasn't devestated, but disappointed, but KNEW it was just a bit of water and moved on. Then the next day it was the same and ...
Read more : Sunday Morning Roll Call: May 22, 2005 | Views : 3189 | Replies : 53 | Forum : Roll Call

basic metabolic rate

I've spent several hours here today. Not how I had planned to spend my day off but - it sure has been interesting!

I have many questions but the one I'm can't seem to wrap my wee little brain around is this....

I've had my metabolic rate measured (yes, professionally) and I was told that I, on average, will use about 1400 calories per day. (I am really not in a position to significantly increase ...
Read more : basic metabolic rate | Views : 637 | Replies : 3 | Forum : The Weight Room

Sweet and Sour News Update for the MakeMeThinner Community

Folks, I just received an email from our dear Kat and her Mom had a heart attack a week ago today (May 14th).

She underwent quadruple by-pass on Tuesday (May 17th). Please keep Kat and her Mom in your prayers. :angel:

Staying on a weight loss program is :x tough under the best of circumstances and when a loved ...
Read more : Sweet and Sour News Update for the MakeMeThinner Community | Views : 511 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Come on in.

add me to the 90 pound club please

That's right. I am down 90.5 pounds. I am grateful truly i am.
But it seems like the more weight i lose the fatter i look. What is up with that. Could i be bloated? It is not that TOM but I have not had a drop of water this week. Diet soda, coffee, everything but water. Could this have something to do with it?
Read more : add me to the 90 pound club please | Views : 574 | Replies : 10 | Forum : The Weight Room

to those on maintenance

Hello all! I would love to hear from some of you out there who have been on maintenance for awhile now. I am curious to hear about your struggles with keeping your weight down and how you keep it off. Loseing the weight is only half the battle and I know it is going to be hard to maintain my loss once I get there but I am determined. I got so much encouragement reading ...
Read more : to those on maintenance | Views : 1887 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Maintenance


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