MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)
Hi there. Nancy asked me for a new picture, so I have just sent to Unca Tim one that I found that was taken in January when I had just started Medifasting,
...and two that were taken just today.
Um, yeah, I guess I can finally tell that I'm losing weight....
Hey Everybody,
This is just a little reminder that this coming Monday marks our first offical MEASUREMENT MONDAY forum in the ROLL CALL section :goteam:
I will begin the session very late Sunday night since I will have work Monday morning and life is CRAAAAAAZY at work right now with my preparation to be our for a few weeks. I'll get it set up so everyone ...
I am interested in buying the book Success in a Shaker Jar. I'd like to know your thoughts and comments for those of you that have it. Does it have tips for staying healthy, recipes, or what's the premise of the book? I'm just curious and always looking for another good resource to dig in to particularly if it helps this M-fast journey-o- mine. I'd love to hear your ideas, suggestions ...
Hello everyone. I started Medifast 5 days ago, and I must say..WOW!! I have atleast 35 pounds to take off to get to my healthy weight for my height..but a few more wouldn't hurt.
I feel great..the first 3 days were tough, but I got through it. :lol:
I am very nervous but the time has come. I have 100 pounds to lose and I haven't told anyone I am doing this. It will be a huge blow to my social life but something I have to do.
Can anyone tell me the side effects you have incurred?
Hey Gang,
I have a confession and I know this is the place to say it. I started last Sunday, but from then 'til yesterday I have been having a big problem. My problem has always been that I binge at night when I finally get a chance to catch my breath and the kids settle down for bed and a can finally relax. I think subconsciously it's the "cheap and fast way" to reward ...
I am new here just started medifast yesterday. Your sucesses are great and inspire me. I have 70lbs to lose. I cant wait to be a sucessful as you all are :D
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Anyone else out there a slow loser like I am? I have to's a bit depressing to *once again* be losing so much slower than many others. This has happened to me with other weight loss plans I've tried in the past 10 years. Yes, I understand about metabolism slowing down (I'm 41) and that all people are different. I even understand that some who have lots more to lose (I want to lose ...
I don't mean to get too graphic here, but I was quite sick, quite suddenly, last night. I spent some time in the "little room" throwing up and making other uses of the porcelain throne. My "lean and green" and the banana pudding that I had two hours later are no longer a part of me.
My stomach and intestines are fine this morning, though I'm a bit fuzzy. I am STARVING, though. I had ...