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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)

Guess who is in the 60# club??

Yes, that would be me!!!!
Read more : Guess who is in the 60# club?? | Views : 738 | Replies : 10 | Forum : The Weight Room

In Search of Oatmeal

Hi Guys,

I am in search of Brown Sugar, Apple Cinnamon, or Blueberry oatmeal. I have eggs, shakes, to trade.

Read more : In Search of Oatmeal | Views : 426 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Stupid Question of the Day

OK, so I have been wondering this for a while and I have finally decided to ask.....partly because I just KNOW I can't be the ONLY one.....and partly because it would make me feel better to know for sure :)

Does your belly make noises after your MediMeals??!!?? I mean, mine talks so loud about an hour after the meal that OTHER people can hear it and ...
Read more : Stupid Question of the Day | Views : 555 | Replies : 8 | Forum : Come on in.

Question: what are NSVs?

I see this all over the boards and have been trying to figure it out on my own for weeks--but not getting it. SO, what is it? I'm thinking it's "non scale something" but I'm not sure.

Read more : Question: what are NSVs? | Views : 783 | Replies : 8 | Forum : The Weight Room

An apple a day

I am really missing my apple a day, I feel like I need one, not just want one,
they have about 21 g. of carbs, about the same as a MF snack bar. :twisted:
Read more : An apple a day | Views : 959 | Replies : 15 | Forum : What's Shakin'

13 French Vanilla's

So I have had 2 French Vanilla shakes and I can't get them down. Anyone want to trade or buy? They are the 55 shakes. (I not personally a french vanilla fan, or vanilla anything but it was worth a shot.)
Since I am new to the program, I am willing to sample most anything.
Thanks for the help,
Read more : 13 French Vanilla's | Views : 584 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Strawberry and Orange shakes

Quick question for the veterans. I currently have the banana shakes and they taste like banana laffy taffy (my favorite), and I was curious if the orange and strawberry shakes carried the same flavor class. Meaning tastes just like candy.

Another question I have is... What do I add to the Chai Latte and Cappacinco's to make them more appealling to my beginner taste buds? Oh and the Swiss Mocha...

Thanks in Advance
Read more : Strawberry and Orange shakes | Views : 1123 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Article: Keep the Weight Off with Daily Weigh-Ins

This came to me from SparkPeople dot com in a newsletter. Given the age old debate of 'to weigh or not to weigh everyday' I thought I would pass it on - - cool info. Enjoy!

Keep the Weight Off with Daily Weigh-Ins

Sometimes the hardest part of weight loss is keeping it off. It can be daunting to know that within two years, most dieters regain two-thirds of what they lost! But researchers ...
Read more : Article: Keep the Weight Off with Daily Weigh-Ins | Views : 494 | Replies : 2 | Forum : The Weight Room

fiber, queasiness, having trouble geting my meals in...HELP!

this is kinda long but please bear with me, i NEED HELP!!! OK, i was going to ask this question when it was just a fiber and meal trouble issue but now i have to add in the queasiness..

I currently take psyllium husk fiber 2x (4tbls total) daily because of sandbox issues. i don't remember it being a problem before on mf but it is this time. so...when i take the fiber, it makes ...
Read more : fiber, queasiness, having trouble geting my meals in...HELP! | Views : 535 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Weight Loss

Kidney Stones

I had my first (and hopefully my last) kidney stone attack last week. My father had kidney stones, and my brother is plagued with them. I've been completely faithful to MF for 5 weeks, and drinking 64oz water/daily.

While looking on the web for kidney stone info, I've come across many claims that a low-carb diet causes kidney stones. But some say that the ketones may be dislodging stones already present. Or that any deleterious ...
Read more : Kidney Stones | Views : 2372 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Weight Loss


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