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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)

Who is a PURE Medifaster?!

Does everyone "add" stuff to the shakes and soups? I ask because I have been adding, only sugar free, calorie free, carb free stuff and I am wondering if it's OK or if I would have better results if I didn't play Julia Child with my supplements.
Read more : Who is a PURE Medifaster?! | Views : 799 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Lean Cuisine


Can anyone answer me this, can too much excersice make you plateau or gain weight? I've been walking 2 1/2 miles 6 days a week and can't get past my current weight. I go up and I go down, I go up and I go down...I keep gaining and losing the same 8 lbs - and it's getting frustraing...So I would like to know if I'm doing too much excersise????
Read more : Excersise | Views : 268 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Come on in.

Flavored water with Splenda

Just a suggestion. I like the new flavored waters but they are just soooo sweet and just too bold for me. So I make a glass of water and put about 1/5 of it the flavored water and the rest regular water. It is just right.

Maybe there is another fruitcake out there like me that likes flavored, but not so flavored water!! :)
Read more : Flavored water with Splenda | Views : 1039 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

My first weigh in

Congradulations to EVERYONE :goteam:
I weighed in at 226
Total of 4.5 it's only been 5 days!!!
My first week will be Tuesday :dance:
Read more : My first weigh in | Views : 308 | Replies : 8 | Forum : The Weight Room


My brain said "excuse me" today while I was in McDonalds attempting to be a perfect Medifaster. Got my daughter her kids meal, then bought myself a soda, poured a little soda into my shaker with the MF mix and went ahead and shook ! Needless to say, I made a mess at McDonalds and re-learned that you don't shake carbonated beverages. BUT...I didn't give in to the french fries!

Lisa ...
Read more : Soda + MF = DO NOT SHAKE! | Views : 618 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Low Acid Kava Instant Coffee?

I have missed the little pick me ups on the days that I have a lot to do. I used to have coffee or soda, but haven't had any these past three weeks. I noticed an instant coffee at walmart called Kava, it has 0 calories, 0 carbs, but 4 grams of protein... My question is, is this ok to have? Have any of you tried it before? It's suppose to be really good for ...
Read more : Low Acid Kava Instant Coffee? | Views : 531 | Replies : 1 | Forum : The Weight Room

Nancy - Newsletters?


When can we expect another of your excellent newsletters? I am presently reading all the archived newsletters - they are a wealth of information. I look forward to many more!

Read more : Nancy - Newsletters? | Views : 270 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Come on in.

Christy's 100 day "pledge"

Okay, here goes! In the past I was really motivated reading the posts from members who did a 100 day "pledge" and posted each day about their exercise, MF, etc. (Remember Lois and Dutch Choc??) :) So now I'm going to really try to make such a commitment to myself this time. Actually, scratch that. I'm not going to try, I'm going to "do." (Who was it ...
Read more : Christy's 100 day "pledge" | Views : 657 | Replies : 14 | Forum : The Weight Room

Starting Today

I am starting medifast today. I purchased a large quantity of supplies and now is the day that I am going to start my weight loss journey. I am kind of nervous. I was not overweight as a child or a teenager, mine started after I had my son at age 19. My son will be seven next month. He has never seen his mom at a healthy weight. I have been divorced for about ...
Read more : Starting Today | Views : 486 | Replies : 12 | Forum : Come on in.

Sunday Morning Roll Call: August 21, 2005

Morning everyone! Hope everyone is having the best possible day!

I am trying to keep a very low profile until I pass the 3rd week in case you're wondering why I'm not posting much. I've gone gung ho in the past and have failed. The 2nd/3rd week are usually my stopping point. I figure if I can make it past there I'll be ok.

The weight loss is slowing in this second week but I'm ...
Read more : Sunday Morning Roll Call: August 21, 2005 | Views : 2283 | Replies : 30 | Forum : Roll Call


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