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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)

Katrina's effect on my MF and our Martha

Just to let everyone know, I am going to have to bow out of the MF program after what product I have left is gone. It appears that Katrina does in fact, have very far-reaching effects.

My husband works for the Dept of Defense and a part of his job is to respond and provide communications during times of crisis when requested by Homeland Defense. Typically this refers to terror situations or national security but ...
Read more : Katrina's effect on my MF and our Martha | Views : 1564 | Replies : 30 | Forum : Come on in.

No Strawberry Medifast+ Coronary Health & Diabetic PB Ba

The following products are currently unavailable:

Strawberry Medifast Plus Coronary Health shakes (Item #7230) are currently unavailable, but there is enough to fill outstanding orders, so there are currently no backorders. It is currently unavailable for purchase on the website.

There are adequate supplies of Chocolate Medifast Plus Coronary Health Shakes (In my humble but mindful opinion the Chocolate is the best way to go for this item anyway...)

The Diabetic Peanut Butter Crunch Bars ...

I'm coming out...

Hello Everyone,
I have been lurking around for a while and decided it's time to come on out! I have been on MF since 7/12/05 and have lost 28 pounds! I started MF because me & my hubby are trying desperately to have a baby and the DR. will not put me on fertility meds until I get below 200lbs! I have 30 more to go before I get there. I have never wanted anything ...
Read more : I'm coming out... | Views : 936 | Replies : 17 | Forum : Come on in.

I am confused

I started the medifast program 6 days ago. :D I am now just getting caught up on all the reading from past posts, one in particular has confused me. :? It says that I should have 6 meals/day which three should consist of 3 shakes. Is this true? Because I have been eatting oatmeal in the morning with ...
Read more : I am confused | Views : 304 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Come on in.


it was bedtime and i had a meal and shake left. kim gave me the advice to mix a chocolate pudding with a chocolate shake, add chocolate syrup, blend with ice was sssssssssssoooooooooooooooo good. i'm almost tempted to skip another meal so i can have another shake. i mean, this was restaurant quality
thanks kim. i think you've started something
Read more : THE BEST SHAKE!!! | Views : 758 | Replies : 9 | Forum : Weight Loss

Unca's heading out

Hi All,
Just wanted to post this now, while I have a few minutes.

I'll be leaving on an early flight in the morn for the hinterlands of Central BC, Canada.

I'll be visiting my daughters family (2 great munchkins) and 25 years of friends. For those of you that don't know, I spent many years in the Canadian north and just moved back to the states a few years ago.

I'm looking forward to ...
Read more : Unca's heading out | Views : 555 | Replies : 5 | Forum : A Message from your Hosts

How fiber supplements affect program???

I have a question I wondered if some of you 'veterans' could answer for me. I suffer with IBS and I have now started taking Metamucil on a daily basis to keep my attacks at bay. I am using the sugar-free version, however, it still has 20 calories per serving and 5g of carbs. Most days I try to have 3 servings, so that is a total of an extra 60 calories and 15g of ...
Read more : How fiber supplements affect program??? | Views : 1890 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Weight Loss

Lurker finally ready to come out and say hi

I've been lurking on the board for a few weeks. I've finally decided to introduce myself. Besides I'm so excited that I made it to the 20# club I can hardly contain myself.

Thx! And I'm so happy to have found Medifast and this forum. I actually believe I can make it to goal this time!

Read more : Lurker finally ready to come out and say hi | Views : 409 | Replies : 8 | Forum : Come on in.

Nancy-- Donations for Martha?

Or, anyone else who knows.. is there a way to Paypal money for a donation to Martha and her family? Has anyone set up an account? I would love to contribute. Thanks!
Read more : Nancy-- Donations for Martha? | Views : 567 | Replies : 8 | Forum : A Message from your Hosts

Concerned about Martha...

This may ot be the appropriate place to post this, BUT...nonetheless, I have been really concerned about Martha. She lives very near the Biloxi/Gulfport area and I am sure that everyone has seen the devastation there. There may be other MF'ers on this forum affected by katrina as well.

Martha and I usually (via regular email) talk everyday or at least every other day. I had her mailing address but I can't find it--I have ...
Read more : Concerned about Martha... | Views : 604 | Replies : 12 | Forum : Come on in.


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