MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)
Taken this morning, ready to go out the door and conquer the world! Well, maybe not the world, but thankful for the health and fitness that I have already seized. Over a year ago I reach goal, and I stubbornly hold on to the prize! My good wishes to you all for a Happy Thanksgiving and a Blessed Christmas Season.
Ok, i guess i get to start this one off! Down .8 for the week. Sort of a let down...especially since last week was only down .7. But oh well, i keep telling myself that ANY loss is beneficial! :D Scale fairy, scale fairy, where are you? <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="">
I have 421 pics, many very bad, and 200 more or so the photographer will have to mail me. I had three other outfits not covered in these pics! These are just a few I have gotten to and been able to crop. When I have all my pictures ready I will just have an album online that any interested parties can look at so I won't clog the board with my pics!
I was at the dentist yesterday and hadn't been there for 6 months. I have been going there for over 15 years. When I walked in one of the younger women that has been working there for only about a year was at the front desk. I got the feeling she wasn't really sure who I was when I walked in, but figured she had only seen me a couple times before. After I was ...
Hey all,
just wondered if you ever had to say good- bye to a friend that did nothing for your life in a positive way and you could see they were on a path to death and destruction?
I had to say good bye to a friend of 35 years tonight because she literally has a death wish weighing around 600 lbs. and putting me down all the time when I correspond with her because ...
:wave: Hullo there, MakeMeThinner BeSlim Club Peoples ~
Over time, we’ve learned that people who incorporate and apply the BeSlim philosophy and the skills they learn during the weight loss phase into their daily lives, enjoy greater success and understand the importance of making their journey not just weight-focused but health-focused. It locks in the learning and helps to strengthen the habits of health so we ...