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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)

where are my fellow returnees?

I've been wondering where some of my fellow MF returnees are?

I noticed this past month that many people have returned to MF to either reach their goal and/or take off a few returned pounds. As I'm in a similar situation, I'd love to read your success and how it's going for you.

It did take me a couple of restarts to get back here, but I'm here to reach goal this time. As you ...
Read more : where are my fellow returnees? | Views : 503 | Replies : 9 | Forum : The Weight Room

my story

Hi y'all!
I've been viewing this forum for close to 2 weeks, so I thought it was high time I came on in and into'd myself.
Well, as you can tell by my username, you can take the gal out of Fla., but not Fla. out of the gal!
Why am I on MF? I woke up Christmas morning, took a good look at my 3 beautiful sons (ages 21, 12, and 5), and knew ...
Read more : my story | Views : 1740 | Replies : 15 | Forum : Come on in.

Chicken noodle soup

Anyone who LOVES the chicken noodle do you prepare it?

I made it once in the microwave according to the directions on the box and I really didn't like it at all.

Is it better done on the stove? Maybe cooked longer? It kept overflowing in the microwave so maybe it didn't get cooked long enough. Maybe not enough was very bright yellow.
Read more : Chicken noodle soup | Views : 572 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

a liquid question

1. coffee- I drink about 4-5 cups of black coffee daily. Does that amount of caffeine hinder this program? It's that wonderfully strong Louisiana bayou coffee! Really gets my motor running.

2. carbonated water- It's the sodium and calorie free variety. I call it my Walmart water. Does it count towards the daily required intake, or is it just extra intake? I do drink probably 70-80 oz of regular water anyway.

3. adult beverage- I ...
Read more : a liquid question | Views : 488 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Weight Loss

Sunday Morning Roll Call: Sunday January 22, 2006

Goodmorning everyone! I hope you all had a great week and lost a bunch!

I'm happy to report that I am officially back down to my pre-Christmas weight and as of today I will be heading into NEW TERRITORY!!!! Wahooooo!!! I'm so very happy about this. So I'm finally back down to 137.5 as it says in my signature and 3lbs away from the 80lb club. Perhaps this week? If no,t then DEFINITELY the week ...
Read more : Sunday Morning Roll Call: Sunday January 22, 2006 | Views : 2958 | Replies : 33 | Forum : Roll Call

First test passed!

Tonight was the first half of my husband's two-weekend birthday party (the two couples he wanted to have over couldn't make it on the same night, so we had one dinner tonight, then will have the other one next Friday). As per his request, I cooked all sorts of yummy things that I won't list, because it would be too cruel. Part of me was worried how I would do, but the other part of ...
Read more : First test passed! | Views : 288 | Replies : 8 | Forum : The Weight Room

divinci syrups

I have heard a lot about these lately and though I might try them.. any suggestions for receipe and or flavors?

Also FYI, I found about 5 different flavors at TJ Maxx for 4.99 ea.

Read more : divinci syrups | Views : 446 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Chili up for grabs

Used one packet out of the box and didn't care for it.. if you do and want to swap let me know! (

I like just about everything else!

Read more : Chili up for grabs | Views : 303 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Thank you Nancy!

I'm finishing day 4 & I feel great :yes: ! I'll post my weightloss tomorrow with everyone else. But, I wanted to thank Nancy for helping me, for telling me about MF :cheermed: , for answering my questions, for setting up this board for all of us! :cheerleader: For being Nancy! ...
Read more : Thank you Nancy! | Views : 244 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Come on in.

Medi needs a story front

I think medifast would do well with a center, sorta like Jenny Craig. I think I'd do better with a one on one counclor plugging me along... just my thought.. :roll:
Read more : Medi needs a story front | Views : 354 | Replies : 3 | Forum : The Weight Room


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