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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)

Help! Gum pain

I have never had gum pain before, but just this week I have started getting kind of a raw feeling in my gums all over, but mostly on my upper gums. I haven't changed brushing habits - the only thing I have done is start Medifast. Is this a common issue?
Read more : Help! Gum pain | Views : 414 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Come on in.

Stick with it!

I have been stuck at 207 for days now....4 to be exact and that is after going from 207 up to 209, then back down to 207. I haven't cheated and I have gotten all of my supplements in every day. I was getting really frustrated, although not contemplating cheating or quitting....I know it works in the long run. So this morning, I get up and weigh and I am down to 204.5! I am ...
Read more : Stick with it! | Views : 543 | Replies : 9 | Forum : The Weight Room

10# Club please!!

1 day, down 2 more pounds! :woohoo: Soooo glad I resisted that call of the cheeseburger last night! ;)

YEEHA!!!!!!!!! What a way to start a Monday! :D

Thank you Medifast! :cheermed:
Read more : 10# Club please!! | Views : 268 | Replies : 3 | Forum : The Weight Room


I work w/a girl who has lost a ton of weight (67 lbs) on wonderslim and she says it is exactly like Medifast.... She says she heard it was Medifast at one point... can someone explain what that is???
She said she has the same health advisors like we do and it is just a branch off.... except her program lets her have fruit and 1 starch a day...

Is this true? Is this an ...
Read more : Medifast VS WONDERSLIM???? HAVE QUESTIONS | Views : 18184 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Weight Loss

new to program with questions........

I started MF yesterday. I did fine yesterday, but today I was feeling a little "weird" so I added about 300 calories of "real" food. I'm sure that is a mistake....but I felt better after I did. Any advice on how to get past it? Does it happen to everyone or am I just weird? I was feeling light headed, cold, headache, and shaky. Any advice would be great. I'm very inspired from the before/after ...
Read more : new to program with questions........ | Views : 373 | Replies : 9 | Forum : Come on in.

2 questions about spinach and cheese

First, the spinach: I sometimes like to use spinach leaves for my salad greens, and in that case I measure out two cups. The other night I tried making a scramble by cooking up 2 eggs with my "salad" (2 cups spinach leaves, half cup of diced tomatoes and green pepper, very yummy). That got me to thinking. 2 cups of spinach cooks WAY down, and at that point is essentially a steamed vegetable, but ...
Read more : 2 questions about spinach and cheese | Views : 759 | Replies : 9 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Gotta share (Long winded, sorry)

Hello All! I just had to share two victories with my medifast forum friends...

1st - I am down an entire size! I was putting off trying on the clothes I "outgrew" because I was afraid of disappointment. Well, yesterday I put on my old jeans and they fit PERFECTLY...So, today I got even more daring. I tried on an entire outfit that I could not wear since last March. It fits GREAT!!! Hubby was ...
Read more : Gotta share (Long winded, sorry) | Views : 360 | Replies : 8 | Forum : Weight Loss

Ktrout unger 100#

Ktrout just noticed your ticker and it says you have less than 100 to go awsome you have already lost 1/3 of your weight. :whoohoo: I havent heard from Hype as much I hope he keeps focused since he is so close and it is so easy when you get close to goal to lose focus. He is an inspiration as well as everyone else. ...
Read more : Ktrout unger 100# | Views : 431 | Replies : 10 | Forum : The Weight Room

Want some minestone?

Okay, I tried minestrone ... OMG, it is not for me! I will trade for anything BUT soups or chili. Are you interested? I have 6 packets that I will be happy to ship any where your :heart: desires.

Does anyone like minestrone?

Thanks for shakin' with me,
Read more : Want some minestone? | Views : 250 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Swap N Shop

For the mathmatically challenged

For those of you like me who are not mathematical genuises I found a neat website called and there is a place on there where you can put in your current weight, your goal weight, and the date you want to reach your goal by and it will tell you exactly how many weeks and days till your goal date and how much you need to lose per week to reach goal. I update ...
Read more : For the mathmatically challenged | Views : 398 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Weight Loss


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