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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)

Back after a break

Hi all. I am back. I was here last year as you can see my stats below and havent gained any of the weight I lost by the grace of the Lord. But I still have my last half to lose. My goal is 155. So I begin today on the full fast because it is more convenient for me with my work schedule and want to not obsess about what i am going to ...
Read more : Back after a break | Views : 749 | Replies : 13 | Forum : Come on in.

Hey wait a minute....

Ok here I am all thrilled with myself for being determined this week to stay off the scale till Sunday (which I have not been able to do the past 6 weeks) and then it dawns on me.... :dooh: I have 2 different Drs. appts this week so I am going to be getting weighed anyway! Now here is my dilema.... I could A) choose not to ...
Read more : Hey wait a minute.... | Views : 300 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Weight Loss

Week Four...

And rolling merrily along. I still have not set so much as one pinky toe on a scale so who knows. I am definitely curious to see what the results will be after my first goal of three months.

*bites nails*

Have a great week, everyone!
Read more : Week Four... | Views : 324 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Weight Loss

PHAT reasons we eat

I was cruising the internet the other day and stumbled accross a Blog of an individual who was successful in losing a massive amount of weight. He said that he always asks himself what is the reason he is wanting to eat before he actually eats. He uses a method called PHAT (fat).

P Pressure
H Hunger
A Angry or anxious or agravated
T Tired or tension

He will only eat if he is ...
Read more : PHAT reasons we eat | Views : 471 | Replies : 2 | Forum : The Weight Room

Whats the difference?

Ok, i got to thinking when I was at the store the other day. Aside frm the extra vitamins, what is the difference between the soups that medifast has and other soups. So, i got a can of Campbell's Select Roasted Chicken with Rotini & Penne Pasta. I compared it to the Minestrone and Chicken and Wild Rice Medifast soup. And there is practically no difference except for salt content. But you are allowed to ...
Read more : Whats the difference? | Views : 1369 | Replies : 25 | Forum : Weight Loss

Got oatmeal?

I thought my bonanza of shakes was all spoken for, but I miscalculated and have two more boxes of Dutch Chocolate shake mix to get rid of. Given my newfound love of oatmeal, I don't suppose anyone has a couple of boxes to trade? I'll take any flavor, since I seem to love whatever I tried (which still blows my mind, as a lifelong oatmeal hater).
Read more : Got oatmeal? | Views : 304 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Chai Latte anyone

Ok I love everything on program.....almost. I have 6 packets of Chai Latte and while I can drink it I can say honestly it is not my favorite. If anyone is interested in swapping please let me know.

Lisa :heart:
Read more : Chai Latte anyone | Views : 564 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Orange Creme and Swiss Mocha Shakes

Looking to unload some shakes....Orange Creme (70) and Swiss Mocha (55). I believe I have 5 of the OC, and a full box of the SM. I am a big fan of the choc. mint bars (aren't we all?), Dutch Chocolate shakes, chicken noodle soup, choc. pudding and the oatmeal (all flavors). I know the OC and SM aren't hugely popular, but I figured it was worth a try to see if someone wanted to ...
Read more : Orange Creme and Swiss Mocha Shakes | Views : 391 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Swap N Shop

It's time....

It's time for a confession....and a plea for help. :|

Let me start at the beginning...
A few weeks ago my uncle, someone whom I am very close to, nearly died in an ATV accident. God was with us and he has recovered amazingly, but that was not to be the last of my family's recent trials. This past Saturday, February 18th, my uncle's daughter (not only ...
Read more : It's time.... | Views : 383 | Replies : 7 | Forum : The Weight Room

Janet on the prairie here - day #4

Just a note to introduce myself and join in the conversations. I'm a 43 year old mother of three. Currently, I'm at 215, my goal is to be at 170 by the time summer is in full swing.

I love this site, I've perused it up one side and down the other.

Looking forward to my size 12's again!

Janet :D
Read more : Janet on the prairie here - day #4 | Views : 346 | Replies : 12 | Forum : Come on in.


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