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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)

Guess What!?!

OK, I have to share....
I know I shouldn't weigh but once a week, but the scale was right there and I stepped on (drum roll, please)
WOO-HOOO!!! :yes:
I about freaked Steve out because I came running out of the bathroom, yelling. Granted, I am only 0.6 pounds below, but below just the same.
Had to tell you guys.
Love, ...
Read more : Guess What!?! | Views : 802 | Replies : 16 | Forum : The Weight Room

Eating what you shouldn't by accident...

Has anyone done this?

I'm making my 4 yr old a sandwich that include marshmallow. I get some on my finger and without thinking lick my finger and then I freeze...holy cow!! and then start wiping my tongue in a panic and spitting in the sink. I thought I was the only one and then I saw my dh wiping his tongue on Tuesday and I asked, "what are you doing?" and he said, "Peanut ...
Read more : Eating what you shouldn't by accident... | Views : 437 | Replies : 11 | Forum : Weight Loss


The other day I had a luncheon at a chinese resteraunt and had no idea what would work for my lean and green meal. :? I got shrimp with vegetables and gave away my rice and egg soup. Did I fail? :cry: Is chinese just not doable? I will avoid these situations in the future but ...
Read more : Chinese? | Views : 2156 | Replies : 11 | Forum : Weight Loss

Medifast has changed my life

Hi everyone,

I don't post a lot but I'm just so excited lately that I just can't keep it in. Medifast has changed my life and I'm so happy. I have fluctuated between chubby and fat since puberty and didn't really start dieting until my 20's. Ofcourse my very first diet was a crash starvation diet designed by me. I lost weight don't know how much because I never weighed myself. I probably got down ...
Read more : Medifast has changed my life | Views : 843 | Replies : 14 | Forum : The Weight Room

Hi All!

Hello All! :wave: I wanted to let everyone know that it is because of this forum that I decided to invest in MF. It is so inspiring to see all of the results and support. I am very excited to be a part of such a wonderful group of people. :yippee: I have about 50 lbs. to lose and ...
Read more : Hi All! | Views : 650 | Replies : 19 | Forum : Come on in.

FluffyNoMore's pictures *Updated Onederland ones*

Edited because I forgot a picture. LOL!

This was the photo I saw and didn't recognize myself. I'm 227 there....

This was taken on march 7th 14 lbs down.


These two I just took myself (excuse the quality I don't have a full length mirror) I'm 209 lbs as of this morning.


Someday I'll get someone to take a full size photo of me...excuse my head chopped off and legs chopped ...
Read more : FluffyNoMore's pictures *Updated Onederland ones* | Views : 2869 | Replies : 34 | Forum : Studio

Why do some people think Ketosis is dangerous?

Found on the net:(Gotta love google)

Ketosis: Is it safe? Why do some people think it's dangerous?

On July 7, 2002, the New York Times published "What if It's All Been a Big Fat Lie?" written by Gary Taubes.

I quote the article: " 'Doctors are scared of ketosis,' says Richard Veech, an N.I.H. researcher who studied medicine at Harvard and then got his doctorate at Oxford University with the Nobel Laureate ...
Read more : Why do some people think Ketosis is dangerous? | Views : 1418 | Replies : 8 | Forum : Weight Loss

Hi Everybody!

Hello there! :D I just ordered my starter kit and I'm very excited! Let me tell you about myself.

I'm 32 years old, a mother of 2, one 10 year old boy and a 5 month old boy. I never lost the pregnancy weight from my first son (I was at 190), and it seems I wouldn't lose the pregnancy weight added on from ...
Read more : Hi Everybody! | Views : 785 | Replies : 29 | Forum : Come on in.

Rec'd my MF kit last night

:) Hi! I received my first shipment last night. I haven't had a chance to go through everything, so I decided to stick with my original plan and start 'shakin'' tomorrow.

I wanted to post this today to make myself accountable. I am a procrastinator, but if I tell someone I'm going to do something - I do it...sooooooo, tomorrow morning, I'll drink my first 8 oz. ...
Read more : Rec'd my MF kit last night | Views : 414 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Come on in.

Unca, 70# Club Please!

Morning, folks-

I passed the 70lb mark today...very exciting! Unca, please put me in the club!

Read more : Unca, 70# Club Please! | Views : 677 | Replies : 20 | Forum : The Weight Room


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