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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)

unbelievable co-workers!!

I mentioned when I first posted that I need to have knee surgery, nothing big, just a scope. My co-workers said today " So Paula, are you going to start eating again after your surgery?" They want to come over the night of surgery with "take out".

Read more : unbelievable co-workers!! | Views : 465 | Replies : 12 | Forum : The Weight Room


Can someone help me? I don't know if I should do a full fast or the modified. I don't want to throw my body in a tizzy if I do a full fast, but would like to see results quick. (like everyone else I presume!) I'm 5'8" weigh 250 and am trying to get to 165-170.

One more question....don't laugh :oops: ....what the heck is Buillion? I ...
Read more : WHICH PLAN TO FOLLOW? | Views : 355 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Come on in.


Food for Trade:
Chicken noodle soup-1box(7)
Chicken noodle soup-6 Packets
Minestrone-6 Packets
Chicken w/ Wild Rice-6 Packets

Willing to trade for: Peach Oatmeal
Any Shakes
Any Bars
Chocolate Pudding
Read more : PLEASE TRADE!!!! | Views : 406 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Sandbox issue

Well, I was having "sandbox" issues as Nancy calls them and read where someone used Fiber One chewables. So I got myself to the old Walgreen's pharmacy and picked me up a bottle. So this is the second day I've taken the 2 required tablets and it did help....however, I am sooooo gassy :oops:

Please someone who is using these tell me that this will pass (no ...
Read more : Sandbox issue | Views : 447 | Replies : 9 | Forum : Come on in.

What are you looking most forward to?

I've had an idea. What are you looking most forward to? I'm talking about physical (weight loss) things, not medical or health problems.

Here's what I have so far...
1. I want to weigh what my driver's license says.
2. I want to throw out almost all of my clothing with an elastic waist or a drawstring!
3. I want to take the middle seat in a plane without the people next to me rolling ...
Read more : What are you looking most forward to? | Views : 7188 | Replies : 70 | Forum : The Elevator

Spring Cleaning

Well, what can I say but I'm back for some spring cleaning. :oops:

I just don't know what it is because I had so much success with MF last year and I FELT SO GOOD, mentally and physically. Yet this time around I go for 5 days, or 5 weeks, go off MF and don't get back on-plan towards my goal. - Clearly, I still have to ...
Read more : Spring Cleaning | Views : 359 | Replies : 2 | Forum : The Weight Room's called a "do-over"

....or re-do?! Saturday was my 2nd day of MF and I posted to tell you all how disappointed I was that I could not even swallow the products I had tried. Worse than Lisa Loopner's "gag me with a spoon". After my 2nd MF meal on Saturday, it got worse than gagging (I won't go into details :shock: ), and I decided that I was probably putting ...
Read more :'s called a "do-over" | Views : 283 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Come on in.

Checking in.. 1 Month Total...

I have now lost 16.5 lbs.

I really tried for the next 1/2 pound, but that darn scale just wouldn't be right..

I was sooooo excited!! I know I have a long way to go, but I am just thrilled.. 20lbs is just 3.5 lbs away. :shock:

I also just surpassed my friend on "Jenny".. BIG SMILE!!!!!! :mrgreen: ...
Read more : Checking in.. 1 Month Total... | Views : 352 | Replies : 11 | Forum : The Weight Room


Hi girls!
I am new. I started MF last week and did great until Thursday. Thats the night without my kids and I struggled. I started again yesterday but blew it tonight. Whats wrong with me? I am really struggling always having to tell people "no thanks". I never realized how much eating out I do with others!!!!Not sure what happened. I was getting ready to make my chicken for my l/g and next thing ...
Read more : HELP | Views : 691 | Replies : 23 | Forum : Come on in.


Well hello everyone- I am a restarter! LOL!

I just started back on the MF plan today and I did pretty well, Having my Nanner puddin now while waiting for my daughter to come home from work. Almost have all the water in for the day.

During dinner I made Chicken on the grill and I cut it off the bone when it was done and measured it and BOY 7 oz is ALOT of ...
Read more : Restarter | Views : 397 | Replies : 10 | Forum : Come on in.


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