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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)

Hubby Kept Cheating...

Here was my solution....

Read more : Hubby Kept Cheating... | Views : 530 | Replies : 10 | Forum : The Weight Room

I was worried for nothing.

Yesterday I wrote in that it was 6 days and I had not lost any weight in the last three days. It all came off in the first three days of the diet. But today I woke up and weighed myself. To my surprise I had lost another 2 pounds. So it is 7 days, 10 pounds. I could not be happier. Thanks for all your support.
Read more : I was worried for nothing. | Views : 420 | Replies : 10 | Forum : Come on in.

WTT Chai & RTD Vanilla

Have the following that I don't care for:

Chai Latte - 1 box
Vanilla RTD - 9 singles

If you're interested then just make me an offer.
Read more : WTT Chai & RTD Vanilla | Views : 383 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Swap N Shop

A funny I just had to share with ya'll . . .

A friend sent this to me in an email (I bet some of you have seen it already), and, in light of all our medifast-related (well, large-volumes-of-water-related) issues, I thought you might get a kick, or at least a chuckle, out of it.

My mother was a fanatic about public bathrooms. When I was a little girl, she'd take me into the stall, teach me to wad up toilet paper and wipe the seat. Then, ...
Read more : A funny I just had to share with ya'll . . . | Views : 342 | Replies : 8 | Forum : The Weight Room


Ok, I'm fallling apart but instead of going for the cupcakes in my pantry, I'm coming to you guys. :bricks:

Vicky, I read your reply:

What's the problem? Are you physically hungry? Or is it more emotional? (You know, missing food; feeling sorry for yourself; scared to go past this point)? There HAS to be something that's stopping you in your tracks here.

Your right even though ...
Read more : Meltdown | Views : 907 | Replies : 27 | Forum : The Weight Room

Medifast Recipe Guide

I purchased the Medifast Recipe Guide when I started the program but it's really not helpful for me b/c almost every recipe is for the shakes and I don't drink the shakes at all (except thr RTD's). If anybody wants it, I'd be more than happy to mail it out at no cost. Just let me know.
Read more : Medifast Recipe Guide | Views : 510 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Any suggestions on storing & oganization of Medifast Mea

I recently received my 5 weeks worth of Medifast Meals. I currently have the big box sitting on my kitchen floor and dig through the boxes to find what I want to eat for the next day which is a total pain. :dohdoh: How does everyone else organize their supplements? There's just so many boxes. I'm open to any and all suggestions.

Read more : Any suggestions on storing & oganization of Medifast Mea | Views : 2362 | Replies : 35 | Forum : Weight Loss

You May Be Healthier Than You Think!

Hi MFers,

We may all be getting healthier than we realize! The following article talks about the benefits of including cinnamon in our diets.

Personally, I use cinnamon like it is going out of my oatmeal, hot cocoa & some shakes, oatmeal or shake cookies, etc.

I have included just the first couple paragraphs, but there is much more in the article of interest. Here it is:

"Just half a teaspoon of cinnamon a ...
Read more : You May Be Healthier Than You Think! | Views : 290 | Replies : 1 | Forum : The Weight Room


We had a family dentist appointment today, and since I have mitral valve prolapse I had to take 2000 mg of amoxicillin before the appointment.

I read in the quick start guide that it's ok to take antibiotics while on MF, but it might slow down weight loss. Will those 4 pills just once today affect my weight loss for the week? Or do they mean long-term antibiotic use, like usually 10 days or so?
Read more : Antibiotics | Views : 874 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Weight Loss


Hi everyone! Are we allowed to have white tuna canned in water for our meal? It would be great over the salad. Thanks.
Read more : L&G | Views : 501 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Lean Cuisine


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