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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)

Refined Sugar

Received this from SIM today and thought it was interesting. We know that refined sugar is bad for our health (and maintenance plan) but check out how it is bad for our skin!

February 16, 2008
Sugar and Skin
We all know about too many refined carbohydrates, like added sugar, can impact our diets and our teeth, but did you know that these can actually harm your complexion? In a process called glycation, simple carbohydrates ...
Read more : Refined Sugar | Views : 725 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Maintenance


Hi all, I am in the market for new cookware and was wondering if anyone is partial to any certain cookware that is out there.

I had Farberware years ago and liked it because it wasn't that black Teflon stuff that kills birds and flakes off eventually.
There is so much new stuff out there I would appreciate any input before I make the investment.

Read more : Cookware? | Views : 946 | Replies : 22 | Forum : What's Shakin'


I just finished my 8th day on MF. I feel so much better and I think lighter too. I ordered 4 weeks worth of MF and I like everything except the chocolate bars. I am taking this one day at a time. Receipes have been very helpful on here I hope people keep posting them.
Read more : Ginger | Views : 954 | Replies : 20 | Forum : My Journal

What do you do when you travel?!?!?!

Hi all:

I'd love to hear any wonderful, novel ideas about creative ways to do MF while on travel.

Normally this isn't a huge issue for me as a pack a suitcase with RTD's and carry a bar with me on the plane - have a shake before I go and an RTD when I land (if its time), etc.

HOWEVER, I have a back and forth flight coming up - - I'll be flying ...
Read more : What do you do when you travel?!?!?! | Views : 10905 | Replies : 27 | Forum : Weight Loss

Why are there no pictures?

Just wondering if it is my computer ? I logged off and back on but still no avitars.
Read more : Why are there no pictures? | Views : 705 | Replies : 5 | Forum : The Web Room

I need earring advice!

Slightly TMI:

For months now, I have had to leave my earrings out, because I keep getting infections. My ear gets really tender and I get pockets of pus that look like large lumps in the earring holes. It is really painful until the pus comes out. I am trying to douse it with alcohol, but it keeps coming back.

Any ideas? I called my doctor and am waiting to hear back...

PS- they are ...
Read more : I need earring advice! | Views : 394 | Replies : 6 | Forum : What's Shakin'

FEELING TERRIFIC!! as I approach the end of my 3rd MF month

Hello All,
I usually post questions to this Forum but thought and felt compelled to share, with you all, how great I've been feeling now that I'm approaching the end of my 3rd month.
I've lost 25 pounds (keep in mind I went off twice due to family holiday gatherings) and REALLY FEELING so much better than I have in years about my weight. 5 yrs ago, I gave birth to my first child and ...
Read more : FEELING TERRIFIC!! as I approach the end of my 3rd MF month | Views : 1180 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Weight Loss

The Perfect Man!!

Do you know who the perfect man is??????? :huh:

Mr. Potato Head!

"Why?" Four simple reasons- -

1. He's cute.
2. He's tan.
3. He knows how to accessorize.
4. If he looks at another woman, you can rearrange his face! :stickwack:

Happy Valentine's Day tomorrow!!! :heart:

Read more : The Perfect Man!! | Views : 472 | Replies : 6 | Forum : What's Shakin'

surrounded by chocolate!

I'm a second grade teacher and all my darlings brought me wonderful chocolate!!! I need some pep talks to stay away from it!!!
Read more : surrounded by chocolate! | Views : 504 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Come on in.

20 lb club please

Gezzzzzzz I finally hit the 20lbs club.It took me 6 full weeks.

I know thats great ...but I am hoping to speed things up a just a little.Get back on track of losing 3.5 a week like I was at first.

I have been super stressed out :nana: with dealing with my 10 year old.I can't seem to do anything right in his eyes. At least my ...
Read more : 20 lb club please | Views : 496 | Replies : 7 | Forum : The Weight Room


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