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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)

Going off Medifast as well...

Well I don't want anyone thinking that Signladytf's pregnancy is just a fluke in the system.

As I have told some of you already I too am pregnant and due in Nov. Before my days of Medifast it took me 2 years to get pregnant my first time. It was a long, stressful process and a year of fertility treatments and drugs that make Medifast PMS look like a vacation. My husband and I were ...
Read more : Going off Medifast as well... | Views : 865 | Replies : 16 | Forum : Come on in.

Strange conversations I've had lately.

I just saw one of my closest friends today and she said..."wow you've really lost alot of weight." so I went on and told yeah, it's really been easy aside from my tummy and stretch marks becoming wrinkly I'm really happy....then I said, "According to my BMI, I should lose another 40 lbs" she then asked, "Do you want to be anorexic or something? YOu look healthy just as you are."

Well, I don't want ...
Read more : Strange conversations I've had lately. | Views : 948 | Replies : 19 | Forum : The Weight Room

Side Effects - Weight Gain?

I just moved to Texas, and apparently, I've very allergic to something in the air here this spring. I've never had bad allergies before, but now I can barely breath and my nose is always stuffed up. I finally went to the doc and he gave me a steroid nose spray, and may I just say - Ick!

It hasn't really helped yet, but it's only been 2 days. However, on the list of side ...
Read more : Side Effects - Weight Gain? | Views : 612 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Weight Loss


Hi Laura!

:birthday: Happy 30th Birthday to you! :cheers: Think 30 years old, 30 lbs lighter! :cheerleader: Great week for you! Now hold your husband to the promise to make you :chef: legal brownies with a candle and enjoy your day! ...
Read more : HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVEN ELVIS! | Views : 673 | Replies : 21 | Forum : The Weight Room

I'm melting!....

Keep the faith! Those week-long stalls do pay off. The scale keeps moving daily for me this week! Yea! Also - I've noticed that I'm hungrier this week. I think it's the feeling of my body giving in to letting go of the pounds. Half a pound to go to 20# club!
Read more : I'm melting!.... | Views : 306 | Replies : 7 | Forum : The Weight Room

And the Diagnostic Pants say...(holding envelope up to head)

...another successful week! My weekly weigh-ins start after next week (week 3) but til then I am using the tried-and-true "diagnostic pants" method. At the beginning of week 1 I couldn't get several pairs of pants even close to zipped . You know, I was sure that those cheapo clothing manufacturers were saving $$ by cutting my size way smaller. At the end of week 1, the pants zipped with some difficulty and I resembled ...
Read more : And the Diagnostic Pants say...(holding envelope up to head) | Views : 393 | Replies : 11 | Forum : The Weight Room

80# club, Unca!

Morning, Unca!

Please put me in the 80# club...finally!

Thanks, everyone, for your continued support!

Read more : 80# club, Unca! | Views : 592 | Replies : 17 | Forum : The Weight Room

15 days and 13 lbs ago!

This is a HUGE step for me.Anway here it is .Im wearing black of course and sitting behind my daughter.But that is all in the past.I intend to be in the front and holding my head high in pics from now on!

Thankyou Medifast!
Read more : 15 days and 13 lbs ago! | Views : 2062 | Replies : 18 | Forum : Studio

Yoo hoo Unca plz enter me in the 30lb club...

Those 140's are coming into view, I'm so excited after my departure from the flock...Mike and I were at an opening of a new Super Target and I sailed right by all the free grub they were shoving in our faces, Mike (skinny thing) partook of a lot of it but not this girl...NO..No..No..I'm not going there.

I'll take a picture on Sunday, I got Michael a new suit and I'll be duded up as ...
Read more : Yoo hoo Unca plz enter me in the 30lb club... | Views : 340 | Replies : 9 | Forum : The Weight Room

First goal complete! Forty pound club please.

When I started this diet, my first goal was to get to 330 pounds. It isn't exactly a low number, but it happens to be the maximum amount that my previous scale would reach, and the highest amount that I could find in scales at local department stores. It's quite frustrating to need something simple like that and be completely unable to find a proper choice.

I did manage to find a digital scale online ...
Read more : First goal complete! Forty pound club please. | Views : 722 | Replies : 17 | Forum : The Weight Room


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