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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)

Double NSV.....

The other night at work I was trying to help out the girls by folding napkins for the night, I was standing with my back to the restaurant when I heard 'Excuse me miss" was one of my regular customers I hadn't seen in a while. He asked "Are you the waitress?". I was like "huh?". Then he said, "I just wondered if you were the same waitress we had had before?" I said "Of ...
Read more : Double NSV..... | Views : 350 | Replies : 9 | Forum : The Weight Room

Soup for trade

Hi. Would anyone be interested in trading with me?

I have a bunch of soups (no boxes. I threw them out for space.), and I'm really just sort of sick of eating soup. Before I go and count what I have of what flavors I wanted to know if anyone would be interested.

I am primarily interested in trading for shakes or drinks although I'll also trade for oatmeal and puddings.

I know I have ...
Read more : Soup for trade | Views : 407 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Silly NSV

While dining out at the restaurant the other night, Hubby looks at me and says "You look great, I mean I think you're just about down to your last chin!" I couldn't sock him across the table and it was funny because I was thinking the same thing myself when I was looking in the mirror earlier that day. We cracked up. But seriously, I carry a lot of fat in my neck and it ...
Read more : Silly NSV | Views : 317 | Replies : 7 | Forum : The Weight Room

I just realized I'm over halfway to my goal.

I have lost 93 pounds and I have 92 remaining before I hit my goal.

I guess that counts as a "victory" or something, so I'm supposed to post it. I think we need something higher than the 100 "club", because I'm still going to have 85 pounds to lose when I get there!
Read more : I just realized I'm over halfway to my goal. | Views : 354 | Replies : 11 | Forum : The Weight Room

successfull first day

Hi everyone,
Yesterday was my first day on MF. I did pretty well. As a snack, I ate all the cucumvers that were supposed to go on my L&G salad, but other than that, I stuck exactly to it. I did have strange dreams of food. I dreamed about an egg Mcmuffin, and I don't even like them.

I was wondering...
Does it matter what time you eat your L&G? Does it have to be ...
Read more : successfull first day | Views : 297 | Replies : 10 | Forum : Come on in.

I could not believe my eyes...

...when I saw 288.2 today on the scale!! :yes: I did it, I'm in the 30# club! :goofyjump:


( can you tell I'm excited )
Read more : I could not believe my eyes... | Views : 812 | Replies : 18 | Forum : The Weight Room

Another NSV

I had to go to the convenience store ("quick rip" as my mom calls it) to buy some beer for my hubby and friends. I got up to the counter and the young lady asked for my ID. I gave her a surprised look and said "Certainly, however I probably old enough to be your mother," beaming that someone actually carded me. For the record, I'm 43 yrs old - I can actually be traded ...
Read more : Another NSV | Views : 235 | Replies : 7 | Forum : The Weight Room

Gallbladder problems?

I have had attacks in the past but not for a long time. I went off plan a bit yesterday (very long story) I usually drink 140 ounces of water and only had 60 yesterday (more part of that story). Bottom line today I am in so much pain. I know from the past it is a gallbladder attack. I dont know what to do about it.
Read more : Gallbladder problems? | Views : 759 | Replies : 11 | Forum : The Weight Room

Sojourner's pics

Hi y'all. So here's my "before" picture. Look at those chins! This was actually taken last summer, but it's an accurate depiction except that my hair is longer now.


I've also submitted a pic for my avatar that is also an accurate depiction except for my hair. It's longer now and the bangs go in the other direction, but other than that it looks pretty much exactly like me. It's kinda' sad because isn't ...
Read more : Sojourner's pics | Views : 3786 | Replies : 50 | Forum : Studio

Medifast all over the place!

Hi. Has anyone else noticed all of the Medifast ads that have been popping up everywhere? I saw it on my daughter's My Space. It is also on Pogo, and I saw it in People magazine the other day as well. Cool, huh? Now the rest of the world is going to know about our wonderful little secret! Bout' time.
Read more : Medifast all over the place! | Views : 622 | Replies : 9 | Forum : Come on in.


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