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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)

A new club please Unca

I failed the no weigh in till September :x The good news is I am now in the 30 club *YAY*. From a skin tight size 18 with three rolls hanging over the pant tops (muffin tops I think is the correct term) to a comfy size 15-16 (I love JC Penny's creative sizing!).
Read more : A new club please Unca | Views : 283 | Replies : 8 | Forum : Weight Loss

Drugstore bar substitute

I goofed up and didn't plan my shipment to properly coincide with my supply of bars. I have a week until my goodies get here and no meal bars to help me through. While I don't have to have a bar for a meal it makes life so much more convenient and easier to stay on plan. Which brings me to my question.....has anyone found a particular bar, which can be bought at the drugstore, ...
Read more : Drugstore bar substitute | Views : 1934 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Weight Loss

Can Anyone Crafty or Just Plain Smarter Then Me.....


I am the least crafty person in the world. I bought some of those sell adhesive wall sticker things at Menards to try and decorate my daughters newly painted room. Now the room is painted with textured enamel semi gloss paint.

Here is my problem. The stickers are not sticking to the wall. They just peel and fall off by themselves. Is there some product I can buy to get them to stay stuck ...
Read more : Can Anyone Crafty or Just Plain Smarter Then Me..... | Views : 282 | Replies : 4 | Forum : What's Shakin'


Here's my latest modification of the original Oatmeal Cookie Recipe - Dunno if anyone's come up w/ this one yet, but here 'tis! :D
Enjoy! :idea:


1 pkt Medifast Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal (any flavor, really)
2 packets Splenda sweetener
1/3 cup warm water
1/8 tsp baking powder
½ tsp almond extract

Pre-heat oven to 350°.

Mix ...
Read more : MediScotti!! | Views : 595 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Fat in Seattle

Hi Everyone -

This is a start over for me. I'm at a all time high and hate how I feel. Yesterday was the first time I declined going to a high school reunion picnic because I'm so embarrased about my weight.
Time to get on them MF band wagon and get rid of it.
I live in the Seattle area and am looking for other MFer's in the area to get together with on ...
Read more : Fat in Seattle | Views : 782 | Replies : 14 | Forum : Come on in.


Well I can hardly believe I've hit a new time high of 263.5.
How the heck did I get so fat? Time to get it off. MF does work because it's worked for me in the past. I do well oni the 5/1 plan so that's what I'm doing this time. My first goal is to get under 200. I haven't been there in about 10 years. 150 would be my ultimate goal but for ...
Read more : Triskets | Views : 368 | Replies : 6 | Forum : My Journal

gotta get serious now

Hi everyone,
I haven't posted in a while because I had the opportunity to go white water rafting, and I took it. I had a really great time, but I went off mf for the three days because it would have been difficult to stop every three hours, unpack the dry bags, mix, drink/eat, repack, etc. I am alittle bummed, I gained three lbs.

I am going to get serious now and stick to the ...
Read more : gotta get serious now | Views : 314 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Come on in.

Coleslaw HELP!

I've been hunting for an old fashion vingear recipe for making coleslaw (the NON creamy kind) and cant find it anywhere.

there is a place here in charlotte (nc) called south 21 - they are an old drive in place still in busy! they even have a south 21 jr (a small eat in place) close to my university. I loved going and ordering the slaw and eating it as my green.

I just dont ...
Read more : Coleslaw HELP! | Views : 1608 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

ChattieCathy57's before and during pics

OK Everyone ... I finally got up the nerve to post pics!! :shock:

The first one is from November 2005 when we went to Disney in Florida (thats my youngest son with me). I was 224lbs in this picture (same weight as when I started MF in March 2006).


The second picture is from vacation in Hilton Head, SC this July. Funny, but thats the SAME ...
Read more : ChattieCathy57's before and during pics | Views : 1243 | Replies : 17 | Forum : Studio

classes and job update

well i've been working as an intern for an big energy company for the summer. This is my last week working here, then classes start monday and i go back to my crappy job from a lil over a year ago. Working in a deli/bakery dept of a grocey store.

There are both cons and pros to this....

working with food! i'm a cake decorater!
the pay - (is $10 less an hour than ...
Read more : classes and job update | Views : 374 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Weight Loss


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