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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)

I am starting again!

Have lost many pounds on Medifast in the past. Plan to start again on Tuesday, August 22 and drink 6 medifast a day. Need all the help I can get. I am 67 years old and worry about getting more wrinkles. Is there anyone my age who has experience with the wrinkling?
Read more : I am starting again! | Views : 230 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Come on in.

Thought I'd say hello...

I have been medifasting since the day before Memorial Day with 38 pounds gone. I seem to loose about 2-3 pounds per week, maybe a bit closer to 2 than 3, but the weight has been coming off quickly enough to keep me motivated, despite the inevitable plateaus. I have less than 100 pounds to go, and I am a little less than a third of the way to goal.

I am married and we ...
Read more : Thought I'd say hello... | Views : 1024 | Replies : 16 | Forum : Come on in.

Why Don't people understand

Why are people so goofy sometimes- :x - I have had so many people tell me how much weight loss i have had since I have been sick :x - Dah :roll: I lost it before i was sick!!!!!!!! why are they just now seeing that!!!!!--- help me understand-- My ...
Read more : Why Don't people understand | Views : 691 | Replies : 14 | Forum : The Weight Room

Considering Medifast But Scared

Hi Everyone!

What an amazing group of folks you are!!!! I have been reading your posts ALL weekend between cooking and errands and baseball (watching LOL). I am so encouraged right now as I type this. I am at a serious crossroads in my life and feel that this plan would be a right fit for me at this point in my life. I have 100 pounds to lose. I know quite a feat. I ...
Read more : Considering Medifast But Scared | Views : 803 | Replies : 15 | Forum : Come on in.

What's up with clothes sizes??

I went shopping for slacks because all my nice slacks were looking like baggy jammes (Yeah MF!). Well I tried on a bunch of 12's and they all fit!. So then at home I dragged out my too small pants box from the basement and started trying them all on. Oddly, all the 12's were way too small. Now these pants are from about 7 years ago when I was smaller and somehow in the ...
Read more : What's up with clothes sizes?? | Views : 1143 | Replies : 21 | Forum : What's Shakin'

I'm back...miss me? :)

Hey everyone, We go back last night. Was a great ride, it was hard, the heat was terrible across the dessert but we made it. As soon as I can I will put up some pics. I cruised my bike up the Pacific Coast Hiway, that was totally cool. We rode up some canyons. Most important...My brother in law is now a part of the LAPD!!!! Now his girlfriend will go for it too, she ...
Read more : I'm back...miss me? :) | Views : 327 | Replies : 5 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Give me the Strength

Ok ladies & GENTS First off, GOOD MORNING & HAPPY MONDAY :lol:

I'm starting this journey again and hope to sitck to plan this time as I know I will get results it's just a matter of will power and it took some convincing by Ktrout that I can and will do this now it's just sticking to it but hopefully I can stay strong. I need ...
Read more : Give me the Strength | Views : 646 | Replies : 12 | Forum : Come on in.

Cruise Update-Glug Glug Abandoning Ship!

<img src="" alt="" border="0">

Of the 22 people who responded and said they were still interested in a cruise. Seven have indicated where/when/how long etc... to the earlier post entitled "Crusin and Loosing tour "or have PM'd me with the info.

So far the preferences are running..

1) South
2) East
3) West
3) (Tie) Any

# Days
1) Any
2) Seven
3) Less than 5

Singles/Will Share Cabin

Preferred Months
1) May, ...
Read more : Cruise Update-Glug Glug Abandoning Ship! | Views : 412 | Replies : 6 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Update on my mom

As those of you who read my journal know, my mom had some heart problems this week. Here is the update.
After doing the angiogram this morning, they found that her coronary artery where it branches out was 99% blocked. They scheduled her for a bypass after the blood thinners wore off (3 hours). They took her in at 12 PM, and I checked at 3, they had just started. At about 630 PM they ...
Read more : Update on my mom | Views : 883 | Replies : 18 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Shrimp Scampi...

Brian and I had the most AWESOME Shrimp Scampi this evening.

We used Walden Farms Scampi Sauce (2 TBSPS). Brian poured his over his shrimp and I used mine as a dip.

OMG was it DELISH!!! Image
Just thought I'd share. :D
Read more : Shrimp Scampi... | Views : 1012 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Lean Cuisine


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