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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)

Feeling like a circus act...

Hi, folks-

So, this is going to sound like one of those totally pathetic "are you kidding me?' posts - forgive me in advance!

I suspect this happens to many who've lost a significant amount of weight, but I am getting a little overwhelmed by the commentary and reactions of people recently.

My grandmom passed away last week, and I went home for the funeral and then to sit shiva. For anyone who doesn't know, ...
Read more : Feeling like a circus act... | Views : 814 | Replies : 22 | Forum : The Weight Room

Starting Day 1


I'm Amy. I have 2 kids -- a 1 year old son and a 4 year old daughter. I have PCOS and I did Optifast before conceiving my son. It was really great and it really helped to get my sugar levels (and my hormone levels) into line. Unfortunately, between the pregnancy and bad habits after my son was born, I'm back up to the same weight I was before. This time I'm doing ...
Read more : Starting Day 1 | Views : 290 | Replies : 8 | Forum : Come on in.


This is diet number 1,984 or so it seems.

It wasn't until last year when I started dieting big time that I've created a full blown obsession with food (I've always been a little heavy, size 14's then I had 2 back surgeries several years ago and gained 70 lbs).

I never had a problem with food, no more than any other typical American, I like fast food, biggie sized of course but now after ...
Read more : Checkie | Views : 2713 | Replies : 79 | Forum : My Journal

Liquid only question


My doctor suggested I check into Medifast.

I see a lot of information about the 5 & 1 plan (I think that's the name) but nothing about liquid only... I've seen a few posts here and there from people who did liquid only but nothing describing how to do it.

I have sent an email to the people at the medifast website asking them for more information but thought maybe someone here could also ...
Read more : Liquid only question | Views : 1519 | Replies : 26 | Forum : Weight Loss

So many compliments my head is swelling

I went to my sister's house on Friday. She was having a party on Saturday so I planned on helping her with things. During the party I saw several of her friends that I know but only thru her. I was amazed at how many people noticed my weight loss. Some of them I havent seen since her baby shower or even since her wedding (at which time I weighed less then I do now). ...
Read more : So many compliments my head is swelling | Views : 537 | Replies : 7 | Forum : The Weight Room

Are Okras Safe

Thanks for all the help with my stove top issues.

Now I have a new question. I love okras. Are they legal?
Read more : Are Okras Safe | Views : 667 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

eating out

I don't have time to read through ALL these pages right now, so if this is a repeat question - sorry!

I'm just wondering if any of y'all have suggestions for what to eat at restaurants or fast food? my friends & parents ate McD's salads nearly every day when they were on the program - it was their L&G, but I want to know if that is technically ok? I'm nearing the end of ...
Read more : eating out | Views : 1101 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Weight Loss

Question for the veterans.

WATER....How important is drinking water in your weight loss. Do you think it really makes a difference whether you drink water or say artificially sweetened iced tea or diet soda? I drink probably 64 oz tea and about the same in caffeine free diet soda. I am getting fluids in. I do not feel like drinking water right now. I feel the above mentioned drinks help me stay on track.
Opinions and experience please.
Read more : Question for the veterans. | Views : 484 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Weight Loss

Stuck and confused


I am still relatively new to MF but have already run into a problem. Maybe it's not a problem at all and someone might have a suggestion. I just finished week #4 and all excited to weight in. My heart sank when the scale didn't move. Would have taken anything I can get, but nothing? I followed the plan to a T. I didn't drink as much water as I probably should have. Could ...
Read more : Stuck and confused | Views : 537 | Replies : 13 | Forum : The Weight Room

Cappucino/Chai/ Vanilla RTDs for Trade (Updated)

I don't like the chai latte and cappuccino. I have one box of each.
Anyone want to trade for some mango cranberry and/or tropical punch.

Edited to add: Anyone want to trade my cap and chai for two boxes of banana creme shakes??? I love banana creme. :D

And I would like to trade about two dozen french vanilla RTDs. I can't come to terms with ...
Read more : Cappucino/Chai/ Vanilla RTDs for Trade (Updated) | Views : 427 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Swap N Shop


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