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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)

Hair Loss- When to Worry?

Hi all!

So, lately I've been noticing a serious increase in the amount of "shedding" my hair is doing. My hair is naturally thick and I have quite a lot of it, so I've always been one to leave a hair trail about. But lately (especially after conditioning) I notice that instead of a few strands it is more like many strands. I wouldn't say clumps, and I'm not sure I notice the difference, but ...
Read more : Hair Loss- When to Worry? | Views : 921 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Weight Loss

some people...

Yesterday at work, my partner who I have been friends with, but not working with started making fun of me for being on a diet. The three guys working my station ordered pizza, and I sat and ate my L&G. One of them asked me if I wanted a slice, and I said no thank you. My partner chimed in and said..."she can't have pizza, she's on a diet."

what a jerk ...
Read more : some people... | Views : 699 | Replies : 10 | Forum : What's Shakin'

weight loss chart/graph program??

Does anyone know of any download or program you can use to chart your weightloss progress? I am not very computer savvy so I dont even know where to look! I think it would be great motivation to see the line dropping from week to week as the pounds go down!
Read more : weight loss chart/graph program?? | Views : 660 | Replies : 7 | Forum : The Weight Room

Need help with schedule

Okay as I start again in a few weeks one thing has changed . I now work PT 3rd shift. I am confused at what I should do on work days for meals. The job is physical, any help would be great.

M-W off, I eat/shake 6-9-noon is lean/green-3-6-9

THurs, Fri, Sat and Sunday I go in at 8 pm, work physically til 11, we sit 1 hour awaiting the next production (newspaper) then work ...
Read more : Need help with schedule | Views : 411 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Come on in.

Finally an okay date to be back on program

Hello LOSERS!!!!!!!!

And I do mean losers, I have followed everyones progress, I am so very proud, everyone seems to be right on track and so much thinner. I will admit to a seething jealousy not being able to be on program but alas, as of Sept 15th I have the okay from my doctor to start again.

I will weigh in that Sunday. Finally!

DEDE and mellowmom, great photos, you inspire! ...
Read more : Finally an okay date to be back on program | Views : 327 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Come on in.

Just a short update

Hello All! I haven't been here in forever, but I hit a monumental 20 pounds this morning! I also changed my weight goal. I know it isn't ideal, but I recently found out I have PCOS. My gyn said that the chances were, I'd never get all the way down, but it is possible to lose a good amount of weight. The lowest I've ever been is 160 and I was a size 10 at ...
Read more : Just a short update | Views : 475 | Replies : 7 | Forum : The Weight Room

Happy Birthday, Supermom!!!

Wishing you a very Happy & Compliant day!
Read more : Happy Birthday, Supermom!!! | Views : 904 | Replies : 20 | Forum : Come on in.


Do you have boundaries with your MF eating plan? If so, please share what they are.
The reason I started this post is because boundaries do help me stay on track and focused. I read about boundaries in Linda Spangle's book...
100 Days of Weight Loss. Linda Spangle is also the author of the Medifast book Success in a Shaker Jar. She is also the author of Life is Hard, Food is Easy. Her books ...
Read more : Boundaries | Views : 433 | Replies : 8 | Forum : The Weight Room

Introducing myself & a question for everyone.

Hi, my name is Carrie and I'm in St. Louis, Missouri. I have been married for 7 years and have two daughters who are 3 1/2 and 1.

I heard about this plan from two girlfriends of mine that have had huge success with this diet. I started on Friday (I know! A Friday!) August 18th and have only lost about 4-5 pounds in the last 12 days. I realize that's not bad, but it's ...
Read more : Introducing myself & a question for everyone. | Views : 804 | Replies : 15 | Forum : Come on in.

Jerk Seasoning & Marinades: Need Advice

Hello all,

Another newbie question. I am reorganizing my spice, seasonings and sauces. I have some jerk seasoning tht I got in Jamaica. It SEEMS legal. Please advise.

Here is nutrition listing:

1tsp serving

0 calories
0 fat
290mg sodium yikes
0 total carb

I dont know how that is possible to have zero fat and zero calories when
the ingredients are escallion, salt, hot peppers, brown sugar, black pepper, thyme, garlic, vinegar, vegetable oil ...
Read more : Jerk Seasoning & Marinades: Need Advice | Views : 689 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Lean Cuisine


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