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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)

homemade chili?

Any thoughts on why homemade chili, made with lean ground beef, couldn't be a L & G? And any thoughts on how to measure the portion?
Read more : homemade chili? | Views : 538 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Weight Loss

Will Trade Anything I have Left for Bars or Tropical Punch

Hey guys

Well I did the medifast thing for 3 months, lost about 15-20 pounds and I'm happy. I have gone back to normal eating and now I'm doing the 3 and 3. If anyone is looking for anything pm me and I'll see if I have it, I do have a bunch of stuff so most likely I will have what your looking for

thank you
Read more : Will Trade Anything I have Left for Bars or Tropical Punch | Views : 397 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Swap N Shop

hello again....

I am miserable!!! Everymorning.....I open my pantry and look at all the Medifast supplements and think....ok, today is the day! I'll start today and then I get busy and hungry and before I know it....I'm eating.
I simply CAN NOT go like this. So, my promise to myself and to whoever might be interested is to start this tomorrow! I want so badly to loose this weight and feel better. I do have a question ...
Read more : hello again.... | Views : 233 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Come on in.


Hi, I just started Monday and doing pretty good. I was wondering how many eggs can I have in a day? I can have them as my L&G right???? Also can I add a little fat free cheese to them?? Thanks a bunch!!!!

Read more : Eggs | Views : 558 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Come on in.

What the heck!?!?!?!

My "little" brother went in for a highschool sports physical last week, and was weighed and measured. 6'5", 211 lbs, 12% body fat. Doing great by all means.

Well, yesterday he called me and asked me for some of my MF shakes because his coach told him that he has to lose 12lbs to play on the soccer team. WHAT!?!?!

Isn't it more important for a kid to be healthy and active, than to weigh ...
Read more : What the heck!?!?!?! | Views : 403 | Replies : 8 | Forum : What's Shakin'


Hi, I just started Monday and so far so good!! I was just wondering was it okay to put some green peppers into my chili I had for lunch? I also had veggies at supper, but did subtract the veggies that I had at lunch. The food is pretty good, but don't care for the tomato soup...needs a richer flavor and the orange shake tastes like a vitamin YUCK!!! other wise the food is good!!! ...
Read more : veggies??? | Views : 509 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Come on in.

Where's Dede?

Has anyone heard from Dede? Has she reached goal yet? I know she was so close to it a while back. I miss reading about her progress. When I first started back on M.F. her posts, pics, and blog really inspired me not to give up.
Read more : Where's Dede? | Views : 1079 | Replies : 15 | Forum : Come on in.

Kind thought for the day

I love this....

The only way to learn the difference between self-indulgence and self-kindness is to experience what self-kindness feels like. Declare it "Be Kind to Me" day, and get out there and start treating yourself as if you deserve every good thing. Because, in fact, you do. ~ Geneen Roth
Read more : Kind thought for the day | Views : 274 | Replies : 3 | Forum : What's Shakin'


I am sure I am not the first one to think of this...But I had to share. I miss Thai food, especially the coconut curry soup. So, today I took the Chicken and Wild Rice MF soup and added 8 oz. water, some curry powder, cayenne, sprinkle of True Lemon, some Splenda and a capful of coconut extract and a smidge of DV SF coconut syrup. Cooked it on the stovetop and the smell was ...
Read more : THAI COCONUT SOUP | Views : 710 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

ok, so today was awful

Ok so today I totally fell off the wagon so to say. I guess things just hit me today that its still over a month till i see my husband, i dont feel well and work was crappy. So my emotions finally kicked in and got the best of me. I went to wendys. I got a chicken sandwhich and ate 3/4's of it before i stopped and was like wtf am i doing?!?!?!? Right ...
Read more : ok, so today was awful | Views : 419 | Replies : 4 | Forum : The Weight Room


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