MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)
Someone mentioned thai peanut sauce recently and it got me going. So, since I couldn't find one that would be ok for MF I made one up. I used Steels Mango Curry Sauce 2.8 carbs per TBSP and added Davinci SF Peanut Butter Syrup. Yummie. I used about equal parts of each which cuts the carbs in the sauce but you can do it to your own taste. Also added some red pepper flakes but ...
Okay, I know there are threads about this already...but this is my experience with the noodles. I ordered them from Miracle Noodle, but they have not arrived. So, out of curiousity, I bought he Tofu version of the fettucine at Whole Foods. I rinsed and then BOILED them for 6 minutes, drained and added sauce. I did not get ONE bite down without my gag reflex sending me to the bathroom and I fed them ...
Hey everybody,
Hope you are all doing well and losing!!! I had the most fun NSV today. I went to an all-day event and had pre-ordered lunch months ago, before MF, and had chosen Chicken Parm. So, instead I brought my own little bagged L & G concoction: tuna and veggies with a smidge of no-cal dressing.
Well, it ended up, instead of being tempting, the food at the place was awful: rubbery overcooked, and ...
Madrid Fashion Show Bans 5 Thin Models
Sep 16, 6:04 PM (ET)
AP Medical News
MADRID, Spain (AP) - Organizers of Spain's top annual fashion show on Saturday rejected five models as being too thin to appear in this year's event.
The show, known as the Pasarela Cibeles, had decided earlier this month not to allow women below a predetermined body mass index to parade down the catwalk.
WOW. I took a month and 1/2 off due to lack of fundage ($$$$) and then two weeks ago, I had my appendix out, but I am back now and going to start the program tomorrow. This is seriously the most amazing thing I have ever done. (Outside of child birth- the most amazing thing I have done for myself) I was laying in bed last night, and the only word that describes going from ...
Just read in Shape magazine that people who drink their H2O with a straw are able to "swig" more. Interesting since I have issues with water. Maybe I should buy some straws <G>.
I just ran out of MF oatmeal yesterday. I didn't think it would be such a biggy, but it is! I usually have oatmeal as my 2nd supplement of the day. It really fills me up and sustains me for the late morning hours when I'm usually out and about.
This morning I had a shake instead and I bearly made it for 2 hours before I had to eat again! ...
Ok, so here's the deal: I love this diet, I love everything about it - but I'm going down to LA this weekend, which means I'll be with friends all day long. This also means that they'll probably see me down a shake or two while I'm there. The thing is, I'm kind of embarassed about having to do it infront of them. Anyone have any coping mechanism advice for a silly girl who gets ...