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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)

Like so many others, I'm back...

I started Medifast on September 6, 2006. I lost 30 pounds in about 7 weeks. I was scheduled to have a breast reduction just before Thanksgiving. As a precaution, I started eating more and more calories before, during, and after the surgery. I didn't want the lack of calories to jeopordize my recovery. I didn't make great choices. I only somewhat regret it.

I'm back now. I finally started today. I can't even tell you ...
Read more : Like so many others, I'm back... | Views : 634 | Replies : 17 | Forum : Come on in.

Gym Plan

Looking for and suggestions anyone wants to give.I want to make sure I am heading into this right...

I wanted to do my elliptical for 15-20min (days/wk?) to start.And probably toning about 2-3 days a week.

Any ideas on how many days I should do cardio for a week? And as far as adding another supplement...when should I take it?

630a-7a up and exercise (if not doing toning in same day)
7a-830a shower and ready ...
Read more : Gym Plan | Views : 895 | Replies : 13 | Forum : The Gymnasium

Whats the worst thing

I am sure someone has brought this up before, but I decided to ask the or no deal...Nope wrong question!

What is the #1 reason why you want the weight off? For me, I notice the effects of weight in an utter lack of organization. Before the fat I was Felix Unger, for those youngers he was one 1/2 of the Odd Couple, the neat freak, the I have total energy and can be ...
Read more : Whats the worst thing | Views : 1057 | Replies : 21 | Forum : Come on in.


Ok- let's face it- I cannot type 900 WPM like Superman!!! If I ever type more than 2 sentences and then try to post them, I get the "Invalid_Session" response, and have to go back, copy my post, refresh the page, paste it and then submit it ASAP.

Anyone else have this problem? I did a search and never saw anything about it. I do not use AOL.
Read more : Invalid_Session | Views : 396 | Replies : 7 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Starting Pictures

Hi All,

These were taken at my wifes 40th birthday at the beginning of December.

They represent my high water mark - 129kgs (283.8 pounds for the metrically challenged hehehehe) - the tide is about to turn.


Can't wait to post goal photos :shades:

Kind regards

Read more : Starting Pictures | Views : 2501 | Replies : 36 | Forum : Studio

Peanut butter syrup

Has anyone found it to be worth buying. I make a lot of cocont/chocolate shakes and I think that with ice added in, I get the Mounds taste almost right on.

Anyone mix PB and chocolate shakes up and get a good result?

I don't want to waste money on after-tasty PB syrup. Maybe if I see a mini bottle I will go for it.
Read more : Peanut butter syrup | Views : 868 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Lean Cuisine


Hi everyone!
This is only my second post but I read everyday for inspiration. I have been on MF for one week now. I have been following the plan religiously and have not cheated once. When I weighed in today I was still 227. I have not lost a single pound. How is this possible? I'm so frustrated. I've been drinking my water and everything. Isn't the first week when you lose the most weight? ...
Read more : Help! | Views : 312 | Replies : 5 | Forum : The Weight Room

Maintenance medalion

Soooooo, what say we maintainers use this medalion in our sigs? Just a thought.
Read more : Maintenance medalion | Views : 2233 | Replies : 23 | Forum : Maintenance

Ticker Etiquette?

Just a question.

If we started our diets on another plan like WW, should our tickers show THAT starting date, or the date we started with MF?

Please take the poll!
Read more : Ticker Etiquette? | Views : 419 | Replies : 8 | Forum : What's Shakin'

I need a few geniuses...

Ok, guys. Can you help me figure this one out?

I know we can have 7 oz of chicken or 4 oz of LF cheese.

What if we wanted to have some of BOTH?

I have been allowing myself 4 oz of chicken and 1 oz of cheese when I want to make a MF version of chicken parm. Is this wrong? Right?

How would I even figure this out??? HELP!
Read more : I need a few geniuses... | Views : 518 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Lean Cuisine


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