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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)


Can someone clarify how to measure foods? I have been weighing all my LEANS on the scale, and all my GREENS in a measuring cup. How would I meausre cheese correctly?

I am confused.
Read more : Measuring | Views : 392 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Weight Loss

toning over 50

ok - 15 days in, 10 lbs gone - WOOHOO! BUT - since this is the fastest I've ever lost weight (yo-yo most of my life), and since I am now well north of 50, but south of 60, I am getting concerned about having lots of flabby skin left later.

Can some other 50+ ladies who have experience with this give me some advice? - I know the "exercise" mantra, but what REALLY works ...
Read more : toning over 50 | Views : 580 | Replies : 12 | Forum : Weight Loss

I'll trade CASH for MF!!

Hi Folks! Due to the holiday crunch, I am forced to buy in smaller quantities and I cant find much on Ebay! If you over-ordered, or just have extras, shoot me a PM. I like pretty much everything except bananna pudding, and I have a ton of oatmeal already. Chocolate anything is always welcome :)

I will pay you HOT GREEN cash in the form of a ...
Read more : I'll trade CASH for MF!! | Views : 399 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Swap N Shop


Are four shakes, a bar, and the l&g meal allowable? Or is that not enough calorie wise? Variety wise I just feel I need to change it up.
Read more : Shakes | Views : 429 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Weight Loss

24 (spoiler alert if you haven't watched it yet!)

You guys are talking about Lost and American Idol...Let's talk 24!!!

Spoiler alert!

They were so nice to give us 4 hours of 24 over two nights, but now....what?

Wayne Palmer as president...thoughts?

I mean Jack shot Curtis in the throat to PROTECT a Terrorist?

And seriously, what's with the guy holding the family hostage in the house? Isn't that the White Castle guy, Kumar? Not real believeable!

Milo as a boss? I think ...
Read more : 24 (spoiler alert if you haven't watched it yet!) | Views : 315 | Replies : 2 | Forum : What's Shakin'

Wonderful ONEDERLAND baby!

I NEVER EVER thought I would get here but here I am sitting in ONDERLAND BABY! When I weighed in on Sunday I had hit just below 200 at 198.8 and this morning I had hit 197.2.....I swear I NEVER thought I would find a diet I could do to get to this point! I am so excited I can hardly stand is an awesome feeling! Another goal met...a goal I have had for ...
Read more : Wonderful ONEDERLAND baby! | Views : 855 | Replies : 18 | Forum : Come on in.


Where is Ark-I sure miss her :(
Read more : Arklahoma | Views : 373 | Replies : 4 | Forum : What's Shakin'

It's been too long!!!

Hello, again. I recognize some of you, still. Well, I fell off the wagon and gained about 15 pounds. I was about 5 pounds from my goal, quit medifast and enjoyed the holidays way too much. Well, I ordered medifast today, so back to the grindstone! A lesson well-learned-- TRANSITION and MAINTENANCE are important. I am looking forward to getting back into the groove. I have all these new "skinny" clothes that I can't squeeze ...
Read more : It's been too long!!! | Views : 401 | Replies : 8 | Forum : The Weight Room

My exercise plan for the week

My brother is working out every night and he feels great. So, he's motivated me to get my butt moving. I also got my fitness newsletter this morning which suggested that I make an exercise schedule with goals. So here goes.

Tonight (Tues): abs/squats/barbells
Weds: 20 min. yoga
Thurs: abs/squats/barbells
Fri: 20 min. cardio/ leg toning
Sat: 20 min. bike ride (weather?) / free weights
Sun: 20 min. bike ride/ basketball (weather?)

I've found myself ...
Read more : My exercise plan for the week | Views : 829 | Replies : 0 | Forum : The Gymnasium


I was just at mymedifast (for the first time since October) and saw that onions are no longer recommended?!?!?!? I mean, I know they're full of sugars, but I ate them often on my first trip down medifast lane, and it neither effected my weight loss or my total carbs for the day. At all. There was a while when I ate "fajita salad" 4 nights a week, which consisted of at least half an ...
Read more : ONIONS?!?!?!??! | Views : 3191 | Replies : 13 | Forum : Lean Cuisine


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