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MediFast weight loss,health management and diet program by Take Shape for Life. Terry & Nancy Pettit (Presidential TSFL Health Coaches)(Toll Free 888-886-2629)

1st day=success

I was thinking these shakes were going to be bad! I tried atkins shakes awhile back and I had hold my breath when the can was opened...These are nothing like that.
I have had three already-orange-pin,Dutch chocolate and vanillia all of which I like and don't have to just deal with , I guess in time after only having a limited choice it will need "dressing" up .
well first days not hard at all ...
Read more : 1st day=success | Views : 667 | Replies : 4 | Forum : The Weight Room

Uh, oh! I detected the 'D' Word...

Hello, Amy and other Newbies ~

Welcome to Ketosisland! Ahh, ketosis is such a good thing.

Those first few days of changing your eating habits and limiting your food intake ARE killer :x but once ya enter ketosis it gets easier.

Now is the time to begin talking to yourself when good food odors waft down the hallway and into your nasies.

Remember, you’ve tasted those foods ...
Read more : Uh, oh! I detected the 'D' Word... | Views : 850 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Come on in.

Can my daughter do this?

I know, I have to check with her doctor, which I will, but thought I would ask here to get info before her next appointment. My 16 year old daughter was diagnosed last year with dilated cardiomyopathy. This is serious heart condition. She was implanted with a pacemaker and defibrillator, but has had numerous other problems pop up related to this condition. She was a very athletic girl, playing sports year round. Since this diagnosis, ...
Read more : Can my daughter do this? | Views : 578 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Weight Loss

Ready to start

I guess I'm the new "kid" on the block ...tomorrow I will start medifast,I just received package in the mail I am getting married April 3 2004 and it is a must I trim down for that!( I just hope the cost don't get in the way of my success)!
I am about A buck ninty at 5'4" so I need to trim the fat.I am actuly ready for this challange!
Thanks, ...
Read more : Ready to start | Views : 708 | Replies : 2 | Forum : The Weight Room

What goes in... might come...

Nancy wrote:If you have been on the Full Fast for a while, be VER-RY careful about what you put into your mouth today. If you have a big scoop of ‘taters with greasy gravy or some fatty dark thigh meat, or a big old blob of whoppin’ cream on a hunk of punkin’ pie, you could be spending a whole lotta time in another room whose initials are ‘B.R.’ and less time around the Thanksgiving Day ...
Read more : What goes in... might come... | Views : 757 | Replies : 2 | Forum : The Weight Room

New Year's Resolution

:lol: Hey, Gang ~

What's your New Year's Resolution?

Do you usually make resolutions? :hmmm: Inquiring mind wants to know!

Why or why not? :?:
Read more : New Year's Resolution | Views : 758 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Weight Loss

Hello, It's Day 3

Just dropping in to introduce myself and ask a few questions. After trolling the net researching Medifast, I found Nancy & Terry's terrific website and forum. Terry spent a bunch of time on the phone with me putting together my first order, which I received one week before Thanksgiving.

I decided to wait until after Thanksgiving to start the Full Fast program. On Saturday, Nov. 29th, I started. Here's my daily rundown:

8:00 am: 1 ...
Read more : Hello, It's Day 3 | Views : 706 | Replies : 8 | Forum : Come on in.

Day 3 was a doozy

Well, I am here on Day 4. I survived Day 3, but let me tell you folks, it wasn't easy. I traveled through that deep dark valley of the 'pity party'. :oops: I wasn't hungry, but I just let too many thoughts invade my mind. You will be happy to know that this morning, I feel better. :D ...
Read more : Day 3 was a doozy | Views : 436 | Replies : 3 | Forum : The Weight Room

Ready for day three

A good beautiful Sunday morning to everyone. I made it through day one just fine, day two was a little rough. I feel good this morning and am ready to tackle whatever comes my way on day three. If the number of bathroom trips is any indication, then everything must be going great. I'll check back in later. :D Maggie
Read more : Ready for day three | Views : 586 | Replies : 1 | Forum : The Weight Room

weight loss

Nancy and Terry, It seams like 2 pounds is about the most I can lose a week.this makes 2 weeks of 2# lost .I am thrilled to have lost 28# in 6 weeks.but wish I could do better I ordered the 55 this time .I feel good and my clothes is getting baggy I think maybe I want to lose to fast or I am doing something wrong maybe I will do better this week ...
Read more : weight loss | Views : 1039 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Come on in.


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