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Traders Please

I have the following items for trade:

Chili (1 Box & 6 packets)
Chicken and Wild Rice Soup (6 packets)
Minestrone Soup (1 Box)
Banana Pudding (6 packets)

I want:
Oatmeal, Bars, or shakes!

Thanks ;)
Read more : Traders Please | Views : 362 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Swap N Shop

3rd times a charm..chili

OK so I must be having a MAJOR blond moment becuase I can't seem to get the register thing right. If it doesn't work this time I promise to leave you all alone and hang my head in shame.

I would like to trade 13 chili packets for anything accept soup or banana flavored.

if this thingy doesn't work, please e-mail me at <snip>no email addys please - Mr. Snippy</snip>
Read more : 3rd times a charm..chili | Views : 376 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Peach Oatmeal

How did I miss out on this before?

This stuff is fantastic!

I ordered one box, and I want it for every meal.

Read more : Peach Oatmeal | Views : 417 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

tonights meal

I've got 6.3ozs of Gorton's Grilled Salomon on the oven and 1 1/2 cups of Italian green beans in the micro-wave :chef:
All I have to do is season to taste.
Read more : tonights meal | Views : 534 | Replies : 10 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Apple Cinny Muffin!

OK, I took the peach muffin recipe and just changed the cinnimon spice to APPLE PIE spice AND I spray the top with I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray about 3 minutes before taking it out of the oven! It comes out with a glossy top and is oh so yummy ;)

Here's the recipe so you don't have to do a search:

1 packet Apple ...
Read more : Apple Cinny Muffin! | Views : 1513 | Replies : 19 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

I'm having some pasta!!!

A whole 3 noodles in my MF minestrone soup! :lol:

Not bad but definitely needs some spices to add a bit of oomph.
Any suggestions?

OH WAIT! I found another noodle! :woohoo:
Read more : I'm having some pasta!!! | Views : 675 | Replies : 13 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Any "traders" out there?

I HATE the s'mores bars, but like the caramel nut. I have 5 s'mores if anyone wants to trade 5 for 5. :hi5: Also, I'm not into hot drinks, so I'm looking to trade the chai and hot cocoa for pretty much anything, even the chili! I like the cappichino because I can mix it with my morning coffee.

If anyone's interested I'm willing.
Read more : Any "traders" out there? | Views : 315 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Swap N Shop

First Order.. other materials?

Hi All, I'm in the middle of placing my first order. Do you recommend getting the recipe book or any other materials?
Read more : First Order.. other materials? | Views : 1018 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Order Info

Great Stuff for All Y'all


I survived my first weekend. It was hard, but I did it! :mrgreen:
I have tons to share with every one.

First of all, I have decided that the s'mores bars are YUCKY! I have 5 left and am willing to trade with someone who might feel the same about the caramel nut bars, because I ADORE those.

Secondly, I have a great lean ...
Read more : Great Stuff for All Y'all | Views : 536 | Replies : 10 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Pre-Cooked Burger patties

I Was wondering about these :

Microwaveable Fully Cooked Charbroiled Beef Patties sold at Wal-Mart.
3oz. patties
210cal. 140 from fat
total fat 15g
sat. fat 7g
trans fat 0g
polyunsaturated fat 0.5g
cholesterol 45g
sodium 390g
potassium 270g
total carbs. 0g
protein 19g
1 of these maybe 2 a little mustard or BBQ sauce and 1 1/2 cups of green beans seasoned with Mrs. Dash?
Read more : Pre-Cooked Burger patties | Views : 1498 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Lean Cuisine


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