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Looking 4 Ice Cream Recipes...

Hello All!

I read some of you use your ice cream makers to make some ice cream. Can you tell me what MF products you use and what you mix them with to make your ice cream. Now that the weather is getting nicer I was hoping for some cool "treats".

Also can you tell me the brand of ice cream maker you use. I don't have one yet but I plan on purchasing one ...
Read more : Looking 4 Ice Cream Recipes... | Views : 559 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Trade - Nearly ALL Flavors!! Please look!!

HI Am willing to trade the following:

Need: Maple and Brn Sugar Oatmeal, Chai Latte and ANY of the bars...


1 Box Creamy Broccoli
1 Box Chocolate Pudding + 4 packages (11 total)
1 Box Hot Cocoa + 4 packages (11 total)
1 Box Dutch Chocolate + 9 packages (16 total)
1 Box Orange Delight + 1 package (8 total)
8 (loose) Cranberry Orange packages
10 (loose) Vanilla packages

Let me know!!!
Read more : Trade - Nearly ALL Flavors!! Please look!! | Views : 575 | Replies : 8 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Soups and Chili up for trade

I have the following up for trade:

4 packets of Chili
4 packets of chicken noodle soup

I will trade for a box of chocolate shakes, chocolate pudding, any bars but smores or any creamed soups.... so you will get one package free. :D

pm me if you are interested.....


Read more : Soups and Chili up for trade | Views : 346 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Swap N Shop

No Bake Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

I can't take credit or blame for this, but...

In the Granola thread, people started talking about the raw cookie dough being the best part of cookies. There was talk of a freezer cookie, and I just had to experiment.

I just mixed 1 maple oatmeal and 1 chocolate shake together with a little water to make a very sticky dough. Sorry I don't have the actual amount. I just added a splash at a ...
Read more : No Bake Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies | Views : 3593 | Replies : 18 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Anyone tried making "ice cream"?

Has anyone tried turning the shakes or pudding into ice cream with a real ice cream maker? I made pudding pops--they were good but just not as creamy as I wanted. I just wondered if anyone had tried this with an appliance from the "pre-MF" days. Maybe I could try the method where you partially freeze the stuff, scoop it up and blend it, then refreeze. The cooks out there might know what I mean---sorry ...
Read more : Anyone tried making "ice cream"? | Views : 644 | Replies : 8 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Medifast brownies

I tried making the brownie recipe this morning, and OMG, they are horrible.... <img src='' border=0>

I cooked them longer than the recipe called for, and they appeared to be done, but after they cooled and I cut them up... uggggg, they were still raw and not good at all...

i know I must have done something wrong, but just wanted to suggest to anyone thinking of trying these out... It is alot of ...
Read more : Medifast brownies | Views : 581 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Strawberry 55 and Chili Available

Hi All, I have

Strawberry 55 Shakes - 5 packets
Chili - 1 box

available for trade or sell.

I'm looking for bars, puddings or oatmeal (except Maple & Brown Sugar) to trade or buy.


Read more : Strawberry 55 and Chili Available | Views : 301 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Swap N Shop

I'd like to trade!

I have

1 full box of apple and cinnamon oatmeal(7packets)
and 5 packets of maple and brown sugar oatmeal

I just do not like the oatmeal-but I do enjoy vanilla shakes, caramel nut bars, cream of chicken soup and the veggie crackers. I'm also willing to try the cream of broccoli soup too.

Read more : I'd like to trade! | Views : 267 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Walden Farms dressing

Hi everyone, :lol:

I am a late bloomer and just got around to trying Walden Farms Creamy Bacon dressing on my salad with cooked diced chicken as my L&G tonight. All I can say is that it is wonderful!!! Adds variety to the only two dressings that MF offers.

As far as the nutritional count, Walden Farms has less calories, less fat, less sodium, no carbs at ...
Read more : Walden Farms dressing | Views : 879 | Replies : 11 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Make your S'mores granola yummier! the majority of us agree these are not our favorites. They smell like play-doh. Thank god they don't taste like it. At least to me they don't.

I can tolerate them but I wanted them to taste I slathered on some Walden Farms marshmallow dip and chocolate dip. MUUUUUUUUUUUCH better! It felt like I was having a SUPER fattening dessert! Image
Read more : Make your S'mores granola yummier! | Views : 770 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Lean Cuisine


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