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Vanilla Shakes

Hi all,

I have three boxes of vanilla shakes that I'm willing to trade for either::

any bars
any of the cream soups

If you only want a box or a few, I'm good with that - just PM if interested - I'm pretty flexible :)

I'm going to be gone until tomorrow night so if I don't reply today or early tomorrow, ...
Read more : Vanilla Shakes | Views : 339 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Swap N Shop

3X, 2X, 22's FREE! FREE! FREE!

I have some really nice 3X, 2X, Size 22, clothes that I need to get out of my house very soon. I would love to give them to a MFer who could use them instead of the alternative.

Anyone who is willing to pay postage and trusts me to send nice stuff is welcome to them.

I have things from all seasons, but I'll start with summer. Most of the stuff is Elizabeth, Jones New ...
Read more : 3X, 2X, 22's FREE! FREE! FREE! | Views : 474 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Zucchini Pie

Supermom's post about Zucchini boats reminded me of a recipe I might try again.
We used to make Italian Zucchini Pie alot... here are the basics (minus the biscuit in the bottom of the pan).

Combine the flollowing in a skillet and saute with a small amount of olive oil or cooking spray:
4 C. Sliced zucchini into 1/4 to 1/2 inch slices.
Add 1 C chopped onion.
2 t. minced garlic.
2 T Parsley ...
Read more : Zucchini Pie | Views : 6112 | Replies : 42 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

size 26 jeans

hi, guys. i hae some size 26 jeans from old navy and lane giant that i am hoping to never be able to wear again (for the good reason). i also have quite a few pairs of 24s that i hope to not be wearing soon. some are definitely worn. the smaller my butt gets, the longer my pants get.... but if you are just looking to fill a need while you downsize, they're more ...
Read more : size 26 jeans | Views : 321 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Zuchini Boats

Okay--Tonite I made zuchini boats. They were DELICIOUS!!

Cut one zuchini in half length wise
Scoop out the seeds, but leave most of the flesh intact
Spray the "boat" inside and out with Mazola non stick extra virgin olive oil spray, sprinkle with onion powder

Slightly brown 5 ounces of ground turkey or chicken (you can use beef or pork, but reduce the amount to 4 ounces) {double the amount if you want to ...
Read more : Zuchini Boats | Views : 816 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

I want to make a stuffed mushroom. HELP!

Ok, here is the plan. I want to make a mushroom stuffed with chicken and some cheese...but I don't know how.

My first thought would be this...

1. Put some soy sauce on the mushroom and chicken.
2. Slice the chicken and place some shredded cheese inside the mushroom cap
3. Bake!

First question. How can you accurately judge the size of a mushroom cap? I don't know how I could figure out what 1 ...
Read more : I want to make a stuffed mushroom. HELP! | Views : 907 | Replies : 13 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Trade oatmeal or chai latte for banana pudding???

I was wondering if anyone would like to trade a box of oatmeal for a box of Banana Pudding? I have either Peach or Apple/Cinnamin oatmeal that I can trade. I also have 6 packets of Chai Latte to trade as well.

Just PM me here if you are interested! I know don't have many posts here, but have lurked for several weeks and have traded successfully here already!

Thanks, Jodi
Read more : Trade oatmeal or chai latte for banana pudding??? | Views : 411 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Size 22, Size 24 various clothes up for grabs - hardly worn

I have various size 22 and some size 24 dress pants. They are really nice - most purchased from Lane Bryant...they are completely like new. I'd be happy to give them to someone who needs them! I also have some professional clothes that are o so nice...suit jackets etc...that I wont be needing anymore since I am now in an 18/20 and getting smaller by the minute!!!! :D ...
Read more : Size 22, Size 24 various clothes up for grabs - hardly worn | Views : 454 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Your spice cabinet

OK - bare it all.
What spices do you have in your collection?
Which are your favorite & for what meals?
Read more : Your spice cabinet | Views : 522 | Replies : 11 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Ice Cream!!

Well, almost ice cream. I stuck a couple of chocolate RTDs in the freezer, with the intent to try my bro-in-law's (Mike) suggestion of letting it thaw during the day, so then I have a nice cold RTD around lunch time. Except that I wanted one last night for my last supplement. Why? No good reason, really, except that I was feeling too lazy to tear open a packet. Sooooo . . . I got ...
Read more : Ice Cream!! | Views : 569 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Lean Cuisine


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