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Chicken Marco Polo

Tonite I made Low Fat Chicken Marco Polo.

6 Ounce Chicken breast (beat it as thin and flat as you can get it)
1.5 Ounce finely diced lean ham
Chopped Brocoli (It is Impossible to get your whole veggie serving in the breast, so measure out your 2 cups, get what you can in, and steam the rest for a side dish)
1 slice Kraft American Cheese--the lowfat, of course!!
The following to taste:
Onion ...
Read more : Chicken Marco Polo | Views : 809 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

No web chat tonight!......Yahoooooo anyone?

So there's no web chat again, dang! Anyone who wants to have a chat on Yahoo - sign on! I'll be a bit late, but I'll be there sometime.

Hope to see y'all!
Read more : No web chat tonight!......Yahoooooo anyone? | Views : 432 | Replies : 2 | Forum : The Web Room

Aztec Hot Cocoa

Got this idea from Vosges chocolates, which I adore.

Hot cocoa packet
8-10 oz water
1/4-1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/8-1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
splash vanilla extract
(I don't measure, I just shake)

Mix it up and drink it hot or cold. It's got a nice hint of warmth in the back of your throat when you drink it. Go easy on the cayenne until you figure out how much you like!
Read more : Aztec Hot Cocoa | Views : 383 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Size 14's and 12's up for grabs..

I have given away tons of stuff already but I would love to know that my clothes are going to someone who is working hard to lose on Medifast! Please email me with any questions - if you will pay for the shipping - they are yours! ;)
Read more : Size 14's and 12's up for grabs.. | Views : 423 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Would like to trade a full box of Chili for any other soup.

I have too much Chili and would love to trade for any other soup except Minestrone. (not real fond of Minestrone.

If anyone is interested, please let me know. I'd even take an odd assortment of other soups.

Thanks, Jodi
Read more : Would like to trade a full box of Chili for any other soup. | Views : 368 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Swap N Shop

I Need Some Hot Cocoa

Do you have Hot Cocoa you want to get rid of. I need some right away as it is my favorite and I am going out to town Fri - Sun. I will trade or buy it outright from you. I need someone to do a trade with me priority mail but it has to go out TOMORROW (Monday) for me to get it in time.

Any takers?

I have 11 packets of Vanilla Shakes, ...
Read more : I Need Some Hot Cocoa | Views : 388 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Not a recipe per say, but boy this was great!

Sometime ago, I read that the Oatmeal Raisin Bar was good heated in the microwave. :secret:

Well, I tried it just now and it's the best!! :yes: It tastes just like a spice cake with frosting on top! I'd eat these 5 x a day if allowed, that's for sure!

This is a diet???????? ...
Read more : Not a recipe per say, but boy this was great! | Views : 712 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Testing - Tried to upload a signature and avatar

Tried to upload a signature and avatar. Just testing to see if it worked. I am getting a red x for the avatar in my profile. :x I am so not new to this but cant get it working.
Read more : Testing - Tried to upload a signature and avatar | Views : 452 | Replies : 2 | Forum : The Web Room

The Scoop on Cheese, Please?

I have read of several recipes using cheese.....

I am looking for some advice about what kind of allowable cheese is best tasting and which ones are good to cook with?

I do know cheese, but just the full fat variety of my few favorites. I have never purchased fat free cheese after one package of American FF cheese...that had the consistency of some form of plastic.

Also, Parmesan cheese has been mentioned in recipes. ...
Read more : The Scoop on Cheese, Please? | Views : 1337 | Replies : 16 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Chicken Diane

Alright pepes, here's the question.

I want to make some Chicken Diane. As we know that takes Brandy. Can we cook with brandy because it get's cooked out? Or is it just out of the question all together?
Read more : Chicken Diane | Views : 684 | Replies : 13 | Forum : Lean Cuisine


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