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TT's Favorite Chili recipe

Ok, so there are tons of ways to make the chili palatable, but here's my version and I love it SOOO much I could eat it twice a day if it didn't have so many carbs.

In a small pan on the stove, put 1 1/2 cups of water and the packet of chili.

Add 1 tsp ground cumin and 1 tsp ground coriander (not flakes)
Add a dash of cayenne pepper and a 3 ...
Read more : TT's Favorite Chili recipe | Views : 572 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Avatar - is it broken?


been trying to upload an avatar to use, but get errors using both FireFox and IE.

how can i use my choice of avatar here?


error that shows up:

Warning: copy(./images/avatars/169231994044970884e86a4.gif): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/users/web/b1821/ipw.makemethinner/public_html/forum/includes/usercp_avatar.php on line 227

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/users/web/b1821/ipw.makemethinner/public_html/forum/includes/usercp_avatar.php:227) in /home/users/web/b1821/ipw.makemethinner/public_html/forum/includes/page_header.php on line 509

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output ...
Read more : Avatar - is it broken? | Views : 435 | Replies : 2 | Forum : The Web Room

Tea question

Can you drink Ice Tea and how much???
Read more : Tea question | Views : 460 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Fast Soups and Dressing

I have the following up for trade:

1 box of Creamy Ranch Salad Dressing
3 boxes of Robust Tomato Fast Soup
2 boxes + 13 packets of Delicate Chicken Fast Soup

Read more : Fast Soups and Dressing | Views : 370 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Chicken Noodle HELP

I love everything I've tried except the chicken noodle soup. Help!!!! The broth is thick and slimy and there are some crunchy bits (dehydrated chicken bits I guess?) Now I love the Chicken and rice and the creamed soups. What am I doing wrong with the chicken noodle? More water? cook longer? Soaked overnight?
Read more : Chicken Noodle HELP | Views : 657 | Replies : 10 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Broccoli Slaw

I found some broccoli slaw by the pre-packaged lettuce mixes. I had to pick out some carrots but I used Walden Farms slaw dressing(love it) and the broccoli slaw and Yum..hubby loved it too.

It taste a LOT like regular cole slaw but just a tad different in a good way.
Give it a try.

Read more : Broccoli Slaw | Views : 486 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Swap oatmeal for either shakes or pudding?

I'm just not liking the oatmeal. I have one full box of Peach and would love to trade for either shakes or Banana pudding. I'll take any flavor or combination of flavors in the shakes. Drop me a PM if interested!

I also have some Maple Oatmeal, but not a full box.

Read more : Swap oatmeal for either shakes or pudding? | Views : 339 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Let's Swap for Favorite Bars!

Hi Folks,

I have:

Fruit & Nut Bars (6)
S'More Bars (5, I think)
Chili (7)

And would like to swap for a variety of:

Oatmeal Raisin
Chocolate Divine
Chocolate Mint
Lemon Bar (just one, wouldn't mind trying it)

I've successfully traded four times on this board and it's been lovely! :D

Thanks for the consideration,

Read more : Let's Swap for Favorite Bars! | Views : 402 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Swap N Shop

The Slippery slippery slope......

Oh My Goooodness,
It looks to me that the "lean cuisine" section is "off and running" Right down the slippery slope!!! I know some of you are very very excellent when it comes to the kitchen. Me...hmmm But, here's the problem, the more we "fool around" with ingredients the more likely we are to cause a problem for ourselves. Once we're on maintenance we have more opportunity for now....
It is a very very slippery ...
Read more : The Slippery slippery slope...... | Views : 753 | Replies : 8 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

I'm kinda confused...

I've been reading recipes tonite, and I don't quite understand how to count foods containing FF cheese, meat or chicken and eggs together. I wasn't even aware we could mix it up like that. How do you know how much you're eating of each? I've been eating VERY boring Lean and Green for some time now, meaning grilled chicken or meat with either steamed veggie or salad. I need some variety!


Karin ...
Read more : I'm kinda confused... | Views : 622 | Replies : 9 | Forum : Lean Cuisine


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