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Ladies clothes

Hello ladies,

I just love MF.. I have been on it a few months and have gone from a 3x top down to a 18.. Yippie..

So I have a bunch of tops and a few pants all different sizes.

I have a few tops 3x, lots of 2x tops for sure..
i have some that say 20, 22 so dont no what they are other then that..

I have 2 pair of like brand ...
Read more : Ladies clothes | Views : 445 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Orange Chicken

Here is a recipe that I came across on the Medifast site that sounds pretty good. Thought I would share it with ya'll.

Orange Chicken
1/4 tsp Crystal Lite Orange drink powder
1/2 tsp garlic
1/4 tsp ginger
Red pepper flakes (to taste)
Pinch black pepper
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp rice vinegar
1 Tbsp water
1/4 tsp sesame oil
1/2 tsp soy sauce ( or to taste)
7 - 9 oz chicken diced ...
Read more : Orange Chicken | Views : 696 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

? about broc. slaw

I saw they have it here at the store. It has carrots in it though. Is that ok?
Read more : ? about broc. slaw | Views : 596 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Cappuccino/Chili/Vanilla shakes

I have a full box of chili, full box of vanilla shakes and a full box of Cappuccino.

I cant seem to find a good mix with the vanilla. It is so so sweet I feel ill when I drink it.

I have never been a coffee or cappuccino drinker...actually same with the chili I have never in my life eaten chili.

I would be happy to trade for other shakes, other soups...pretty much anything ...
Read more : Cappuccino/Chili/Vanilla shakes | Views : 403 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Chai Latte - how to make it NOT thick

so i've made a few of the chai lattes and found that they always end up with a half inch of thick uhm... well... stuff at the top. is there a way to make it not so thick?

it's not very latte like to have a thick top!

anyway, if ANYONE has any pointers i'm willing to listen/read. i like the drink except for the barrier i have to pass to get to the liquid.
Read more : Chai Latte - how to make it NOT thick | Views : 538 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Frozen pudding pops ?

Has anybody ever tried freezing your pudding and making pudding pops ? It seems like it could be really, really great.

*daydreams about getting medifast packets... maybe even tomorrow*

Let me know if you try it or have done it. And, if I beat you to it, I will let you know how it goes.

Read more : Frozen pudding pops ? | Views : 626 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Creamy Tomato and Cream of Broccoli

Hi - these are two soups I've tried and just can't stomach. So far they're the only things I've tried I didn't like.

I'd be willing to trade for just about anything - I've heard some people can't stand the chili but I don't mind it, for example. And I love all the shakes and bars, but probably everyone else does, too. :)

The boxes have 6 ...
Read more : Creamy Tomato and Cream of Broccoli | Views : 450 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Making the soup any better...?


I just started the plan yesterday (5 & 1) and am doing fine except for one thing: the soup is naaaaaasty. Which of course, I had bought a ton of because I generally like soup. Any hints on how to prepare it to make the consistency better, or doctoring the taste? The chicken & wild rice wasn't bad, just bland. The cream of chicken was disgusting both in texture and taste (I had a ...
Read more : Making the soup any better...? | Views : 1268 | Replies : 15 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

I would like to thank

the inventor of the Peach Oatmeal. Every single time I have it, it gets better.

Have a good day...

You guys are great. All thanks to you, too
Read more : I would like to thank | Views : 482 | Replies : 9 | Forum : Lean Cuisine


I have yet to find a muffin recipe! Please post as many as you have!
I only have made cookies using the apple cinnamon recipe on the box (it's edible!), does anyone have any other recipes? Thank you so much in advance!

Sarah <snip>no email addys please - Mr. Snippy</snip>
Started 5/31/06, 27yo
Read more : PLEASE GIVE ME MUFFIN AND COOKIE RECIPES! | Views : 636 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Lean Cuisine


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