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Pumpkin Pie Recipes

:wave: Howdy and Happy Pre-Thanksgiving, MakeMeThinner Peeps ~

I was digging around in my recipe file and wanted to share some seasonal recipes with you. I recall when I was on the weightloss phase of the program and was faced with shopping for and preparing two Thanksgiving Feasts - one for our church and one for our family. :shock: ...
Read more : Pumpkin Pie Recipes | Views : 1727 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

New post, new food - not expired!! :-)

Hi all;

Since the boards are livening up a bit I thought I'd try to swap some things. I have:

14 Cream of Broccoli
7 Chicken Noodle
7 Vanilla Pudding

I will take anything liquid - cold or hot drinks and shakes, any kind. I'll also just sell it if you prefer, $8 per box or $30 if you take it all, plus postage (flat rate box).

Any takers? PM or post. Thanks! ...
Read more : New post, new food - not expired!! :-) | Views : 3003 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Swap N Shop


I absolutely cannot do this program without the Minestrone. Does anyone out there have any that they would like to sell?? I am a definite buyer :)

PM me...
Read more : MINESTRONE!!! | Views : 656 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Swap N Shop

One last time - fire sale - get it before it goes (bad...)

If you've read my journal you know I'm headed off on another road for a few months - but most of the food I have will not last long enough for me to justify hanging onto it. I'd like to clear it all out and start fresh when I'm ready to begin again, which could be over a year from now. So, here is what I have for sale:

Chili - 12 packets
Minestrone - ...
Read more : One last time - fire sale - get it before it goes (bad...) | Views : 823 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Items for trade

I have the following for trade:

16 packets Broccoli soup
1 Box Chicken Noodle
1 Box Peach Oatmeal
1 Box Swiss Mocha Shakes

What I'd love to trade for is:

Choc Pudding
Hot Cocoa
Vanilla Shake

Let me know, thanks!
Read more : Items for trade | Views : 822 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Please help!!!

I am in desperate need of trading. I have enough stuff for about 2 months, but most of it I've lost my taste for. I will trade for ANY drinks - hot, cold, shakes, anything.

I have beef stew, chili, s'mores bars, oatmeal (apple cinnamon, peach, maple brown sugar) and chicken and wild rice. I will part with any and all of it for literally any liquid non-soup item.

I know most people who are ...
Read more : Please help!!! | Views : 787 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Swap N Shop

September Special on Diabetic Bars

Hey there, MakeMeThinner Folks ~

:shock: This month, while supplies last, the Diabetic Chocolate Crunch bars and the Diabetic PB Crunch bars are on sale for $11.95 per box or $129 per case of 12 boxes.

This is a great deal, People – the diabetic bars are not just for people with diabetes; they may be enjoyed by everyone on the 5 & 1 Program.

Get ‘em ...
Read more : September Special on Diabetic Bars | Views : 913 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Monthly Specials






Read more : HOT CHOCOLATE TO SELL | Views : 803 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Capella Flavor Drops

Hello all, I hope this post is in the right category.

I recently bought a product called Capella Flavor Drops. They are not an extract or a syrup, but highly concentrated food flavorings that you can use to enhance your MF experience. They have a ton of yummy-sounding flavors, but to start with I chose Dulce de Leche, Double Chocolate, and my current fave, Orange Creamsicle. They come in little squeeze dropper bottles. You can ...
Read more : Capella Flavor Drops | Views : 1763 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Chicken/Chili/Pudding/Shakes/Bars to trade LIST UPDATED 7/31

I have the following to trade. Some are expired - can't find a date on the bars - but it's all powdered so really, does the expiration date matter? It doesn't matter to me so if you have expired stuff you want to trade, I'm fine with it. :D

Chicken and Wild Rice -
6 packets 12/08/07
5 packets 12/28/07

Chili -
12 packets 11/2/09

Chocolate ...
Read more : Chicken/Chili/Pudding/Shakes/Bars to trade LIST UPDATED 7/31 | Views : 965 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Swap N Shop


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