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Hey guys. While digging around in the freezer, I found a bag of shrimp. I consider shrimp fish. Am I correct in thinking I can have 7 oz for my lean & green.?
Read more : Shrimp | Views : 4696 | Replies : 34 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

mmmmmm...(Parmasean Chicken)

I just made the best Lean and Green I've made yet...

I am pretty sure it's compliant, with minor adjustments in portioning...

It was parmasean cheese crusted chicken tenders.

I mixed Parmasean cheese with dried oregano, garlic, salt and pepper, and cayenne (Maintainers may want to add a few crushed croutons.) for the breading.

I dipped the tenders in a mixed egg before breading them.

I seared them in a skillet with Olive Oil Pam, ...
Read more : mmmmmm...(Parmasean Chicken) | Views : 791 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Expiration Dates

I did a swap with someone and when I received mine last week they had an expiration date of Sept 06 on them.

I was wondering about the life of the product. I have swapped more than a few times and have never received something that was past its expiration date and would like y'all opinion on this.

I am thinking of doing a return to sender as I have not sent her my half ...
Read more : Expiration Dates | Views : 2099 | Replies : 8 | Forum : Order Info

Peanut butter syrup

Has anyone found it to be worth buying. I make a lot of cocont/chocolate shakes and I think that with ice added in, I get the Mounds taste almost right on.

Anyone mix PB and chocolate shakes up and get a good result?

I don't want to waste money on after-tasty PB syrup. Maybe if I see a mini bottle I will go for it.
Read more : Peanut butter syrup | Views : 867 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

I need a few geniuses...

Ok, guys. Can you help me figure this one out?

I know we can have 7 oz of chicken or 4 oz of LF cheese.

What if we wanted to have some of BOTH?

I have been allowing myself 4 oz of chicken and 1 oz of cheese when I want to make a MF version of chicken parm. Is this wrong? Right?

How would I even figure this out??? HELP!
Read more : I need a few geniuses... | Views : 518 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

TSFL website Q

Q for anyone who knows the answer:

Is there going to be a "non-Flash" TSFL website available at any time? I used to place my orders from work before the site was updated- but I work in a high-security government facility that does not allow us to access websites with flash due to security restrictions.

A lot of sites offer "Flash" and Non-Flash" versions of their sites.
Read more : TSFL website Q | Views : 959 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Order Info

mock Corned Beef and Cabbage

I know it's not Saint Patty's day yet, but I can't seem to get enough of this! Save a snack or two during the day to try this (accounting for the Fast Soup and boullion.

2-3 c water
1 pk Savory Beef Fast Soup
1 thingy beef boullion
1/8 to 1/4 tsp corriander seed
freshly ground pepper to taste (NO SALT!)
whatever other herbs/seasonings you'd like (I put a pinch of Herbs de Provence in, ...
Read more : mock Corned Beef and Cabbage | Views : 1304 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

I will buy Medifast stuff

Hi all. I've been on Medifast for a while, but I'm new to the board. I love the idea of swapping/trading, but unfortunately don't have much of my Medifast left to trade and it's almost time for a reorder. Been tight on money after the holidays - was wondering if anyone had some leftover Medifast stuff for sale or if you just want certain kinds off of your hands - I'll most certainly pay for ...
Read more : I will buy Medifast stuff | Views : 603 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Swap N Shop

LEGAL Tuna noodle casserole???

Okay... for all you 'gourmet's' out there... i was thinking of trying to concoct some kind of legal tuna noodle casserole using tuna, shirataki noodles, little bit of ff cheese for base.... any suggestions? maybe figure out what amounts of each would be legal for a l&G and mix w/ some seasonings and use MF crackers for bread crumbs and bake?
Read more : LEGAL Tuna noodle casserole??? | Views : 1377 | Replies : 8 | Forum : Lean Cuisine


I made a committment my first day that I would read every new post everyday to keep an open mind and see what I could learn from everyone. What an order! I woke up this morning right before 5 and it is 7:26am and I JUST finished reading the 54 new posts! I am so glad people are making this board a part of their journey because it has helped me so much. If I ...
Read more : This BOARD is ROCKING!!!! | Views : 841 | Replies : 0 | Forum : The Web Room


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