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The Glories of Turkey Bacon

I'm probably late to the dance (again) but I just got brave enough to try turkey bacon. It ain't half bad! The nutrition facts follow 1 slice /35 kcal/3g fat/<1g carb , Oscar Meyer brand. I believe there is also a lower fat version. This probably isn't something to be chowing down on but sure can give an other wise ordinary salad a little pizazz. Maybe a veggie burger with a half slice of turkey ...
Read more : The Glories of Turkey Bacon | Views : 987 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

lots and lots to trade


I know that im new to this forum so it might be hard to trade (TRUST REASONS) so I thought if someone wanted to trade with me I would be willing to ship your items out first then when you recieve them you can ship my items. I also have a paypal account.

items up for trade:

3- maryland crab soups
2- chicken and rice
11 -chai lattes
7-french vanillas 55 shakes
5-tropical punches ...
Read more : lots and lots to trade | Views : 854 | Replies : 10 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Sweet Oatmeal "bread"

This is not a new recipe, but I thought some newbies may enjoy it. I have tweaked it just a little to make it more of a sweet bread.

1 pkg MF oatmeal (any flavor)
1 pkg MF eggs
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tblsp ground flax meal
1/8 tsp Splenda
1/4 tsp lemon or vanilla extract
following spices to taste: use what you like, part or all of them
pumpkin pie spice
nutmeg ...
Read more : Sweet Oatmeal "bread" | Views : 1979 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Chocolate Shakes For Sale

I have loved the diet and lost my weight - now would like to sell the last 6 boxes of Dutch Chocolate 70 Shakes. I purchased them about 4 months ago, so they are very, very fresh.

They normally sell for $87.00 plus shipping, but I'm willing to sell them for the reduced price of $65.00 plus shipping.

If interested, send me a pm.

Read more : Chocolate Shakes For Sale | Views : 430 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Granola Crunch

I think I posted this before or someone else did but I have been eating it a lot and decided to take a picture and repost.

This is perfect for when you are on the go or for me when I am at working sitting at my desk and it is time to eat but not my break time.

What you need:

1 packet of MF Oatmeal ( I use Apple Cinnamon but any flavor ...
Read more : Granola Crunch | Views : 1765 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Edited: Gone! Thanks for the swaps!

(My mixed cold drinks & the chicken noodle soup are all swapped. Thanks!)
Read more : Edited: Gone! Thanks for the swaps! | Views : 461 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Swap N Shop


While browsing I notcied Mike made a note about onion being "off the list". I assume that to mean it is no longer allowable? Any idea when/why?

Also, as I am just restarting today with products I currently have on hand, until I receive a new order, are there any other major changes that I need to be aware of in the interim?
Read more : Onion | Views : 1077 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

July 2007 Monthly Specials

Fireworks are flashin' and the American flag is flyin' ~

We live in Vancouver, Washington just about a mile and a half from Ft. Vancouver along the edge of the rolling Columbia River.

The city has promised the largest fireworks display west of the mighty Mississip this year and the kaboom of the pre-holiday firecrackers seem to validify that promise!

There are some :redhead: hot deals ...
Read more : July 2007 Monthly Specials | Views : 1096 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Monthly Specials

Apple Cinnamon Soy Crisp 4 Trade

Hello All!

I have for trade:

3 boxes of Apple Cinnamon Soy Crisps

Will trade Cinnamon Crisps for:
Multi Grain Crackers even trade


2 boxes of soy crisps for 1 full box of

apple cinnamon oatmeal
hot cocoa

Send me a pm if interested in a trade. Thanks!
Read more : Apple Cinnamon Soy Crisp 4 Trade | Views : 423 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Ground Chicken/Turkey Indian style... can i have this?

my eyes are going cross-eyed trying to figure out what i can and cannot have. i'm about to give-up on ground meats at this rate. Canada doesn't seem to have most of the stuff the USA has. sucks.


here's the general run down of the recipe in question. could someone please tell me if i can make this for myself? the recipe states it serves 3-4 people.

3 tablespoons vegetable oil
2.5cm (1 inch) ...
Read more : Ground Chicken/Turkey Indian style... can i have this? | Views : 882 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Lean Cuisine


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