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Got a sample package of the Chicken Salad Essential 1 meals product. Just slit open the envelope. It's not bad. Tad bit chewy, but flavorful. It's fully prepared with the lite mayo, relish, bell peppers. Actually when I make chicken salad or tuna fish for my significant other, I always put some relish in it for him. So, the flavor is similar.

My question though we consider this a supplement product that we can ...
Read more : NEW MEDIFAST CHICKEN SALAD | Views : 2480 | Replies : 14 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Salad dressings for those who can eat!

Hi guys & gals!

I thought I'd pass along some info about salad dressings, for those who can eat! I "discovered" Walden Farms dressings back when I was on a modified plan a couple of years ago. They are calorie free, fat free, cholesterol free, carb free and sugar free! No, I'm not kidding! And most of them are GOOD!

You may be able to find some of their flavors in your local market, but ...
Read more : Salad dressings for those who can eat! | Views : 1502 | Replies : 10 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Public vs. Private Info

Not only am I new to this forum, but I am also new to the internet in general. Can you please tell me, are the things I post in here private or open to the public? For instance, if I applied for a job, and my perspective employer googled my name, would they find the things I write in here? I have no idea about these things, and did not realize until after I had ...
Read more : Public vs. Private Info | Views : 746 | Replies : 3 | Forum : The Web Room

Size 18 pants

Okay, my size 18 pants officially do not fit me. :lol:
They are pants I use for work. Regular waistband that you use a belt with. They are only partially elasticized. If anyone is interested, let me know and I'll package them up. Some have matching jackets, but the jackets are size 14. I'm smaller on top than on the bottom.

started 4/04
Read more : Size 18 pants | Views : 889 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Swap N Shop

Chocolate Raspberry Shake

This is my favorite all time shake recipe! :bib:

Use Crystal Light Raspberry Ice instead of water with your Dutch Chocolate mix and have a flavor treat that will send you into extasy! :angel:
Read more : Chocolate Raspberry Shake | Views : 802 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Taco Salad (yes, that's what I said!)

This is my favorite, favorite Medifast meal, and I'd be a happy camper if I could eat it twice a day! LOL Once is better than nothing, and I "save" this for the times when I feel like eating "something".

1 packet Medifast Homestyle chili
1 cup salad greens
1 packet Medifast crackers

Prepare chili per package directions (I use 1/2C water, a dash of hot sauce and some garlic salt). After the chili has ...
Read more : Taco Salad (yes, that's what I said!) | Views : 1152 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Chicken chow Mein (well almost)!

1 packet Chicken Noodle Soup
6-10 oz. Hot Water
9 3-inch Celery Sticks, chopped into small pieces
1 packet Beef or Chicken Fast Soup or 1 tsp of Bouillon
1-2 tsp. Soy Sauce

Prepare Chicken Noodle Soup and Fast Soup with 6 to 10 oz. of hot
water, as directed on the box. Add celery to mixture and cook for 2-3
minutes. Let steep. add soy sauce.

Read more : Chicken chow Mein (well almost)! | Views : 830 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

Strawberry Banana Shake

If you like the strawberry combined with banana taste like I do, (I used to always get a slurpee with both flavors mixed together in the old days) you might like this one.

8 oz cold water
l packet of strawberry medifast shake
4 ice cubes
1 tablespoon Da Vinci Gourmet Sugarless Banana Syrup

Mix with blender. :heart:
Read more : Strawberry Banana Shake | Views : 1390 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Lean Cuisine

August Specials

August Specials, while supplies last

Take Shape Bio-Engineered Chocolate
Take Shape Bio-Engineered Food for men is clinically formulated to promote body fat loss without sacrificing muscle.
Sale Price $9.99 > Original $27.95

Diabetic Bars Peanut Butter Crunch
Medifast Plus for Diabetics Bars gives you another healthy option to improve or maintain your health. They come in Chocolate Crunch and Peanut Butter Crunch.
Sale Price $9.99 > Original $16.15

Fit! Shakes Chocolate, Vanilla, Creamsicle
Fit! ...
Read more : August Specials | Views : 787 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Monthly Specials

About this room.

This room is a little lighter faire - intended just for fun, frivolity and flair.

When she started Medifasting, Nancy's clothing size was changing by the week. As soon as she was smaller, she bagged up her too large clothing and passed it on to others. Her philosophy is this: wear clothing that fits your body. If it's baggy, it's outta here!

Nancy had nothing to wear - which is not a good thing! Some ...
Read more : About this room. | Views : 15062 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Swap N Shop


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